Tales of the Parodyverse >> View Post
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Al B. Harper

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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
Subj: "Hello" said Rocket Raccoon. "And who would you two lovely ladies be?"
Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 at 03:42:14 pm EDT
Reply Subj: "I support this prelude to hippo/robot sex" Dream declared as he filled up his plate from the dessert end of the buffet.
Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 at 09:11:56 am EDT (Viewed 451 times)

Previous Post

"I support this prelude to hippo/robot sex" Dream declared as he filled up his plate from the dessert end of the buffet.

"They're just talking" Hatman noted reasonably. "That's what people do at parties like this... they mingle."

Amber St. Claire, the Legion's Government Liaison Officer, looked over towards the two large figures by the bar. "Maybe they're just comparing internal P.S.I. necessary for explosion."

"Oh, I just bet they are" CrazySugarFreakBoy responded with a grin. "C'mon... it's obvious. Look at the way the Sergeant is lookin' at her! Miiri, back me up on this!"

The Caphan woman, trained to read intimate details from body language since she was a young girl, merely smiled and sipped her drink.

Princess Uhunalura of the Abhumans watched the two with fascination. "How would a Detonator Hippo and an iron robot even..."

"That's classified 'Need to Know'..." Herbert Garrick interjected quickly before the eager fluorescent Legionnaire could answer. The Presidential Advisor sipped his drink with a shudder. "...And I really don't."

Marie Murcheson, resident banshee and mystical protector of the Lair Mansion stiffened. "Something strange has happened..." she noted with alarm, looking around the kitchen.

Flapjack was about to make a joke when he saw the look on her face. "What? What is it?"

"I'm... not sure" the spirit answered. "It does not have the feel of a threat, and yet... it is very odd."

"That..." Space Ghost slurred from under the kitchen table. "...Is exactly how I feel about Gary Coleman."

Hallie ignored him. "All right... we'll go spread the word that people should be on the lookout for anything unusual."

"Why am I still wearing pants?" the plastered Legionnaire wondered aloud.

"Overly unusual" Hallie amended.

"Gotcha... no problem" answered Mindy Pyrite as she helped Lair Interns Art and Randy with some fresh trays of hor d'oeuvres.

You only have a Tenth Anniversary once... I say we open it up to allow any character from the Parodyverse, ever, to mingle plot free. Continuity be damned for a day.

"Hello," said Rocket Raccoon, "and who would you two lovely ladies be?"

The Wooster Twins handed their invitation (courtesy of Hatman they had scored an invite) to the doorman and giggled at the anthropomorphic hero.

"Trudi Wooster," said Trudi, "Is this, like, a costume party?"

"Like no one totally told us!" Exclaimed Jenny.

The girls entered the party with Rocket Raccoon trailing them closely...

To be continued.

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