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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618
Subj: Re: Short story, lots of reading.
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 at 11:21:39 am EST (Viewed 339 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Short story, lots of reading.
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 at 09:46:33 am EST (Viewed 377 times)

> >
But she doesn't know that yet.  What if he leads her to believe he genuinely cares for her?

> Then I feel sorry for her when he turns on her. \:\)

Liu Xi's biggest flaw, in a way, is being loyal to anyone who seems to care about her - but not to the point of brainwashing.  She would become suspicious if New-Jay would ask her to harm another friend to prove her loyalty or something.  He'd have to be very careful, because she's a little naive but not stupid.

On the other hand, all that careful manipulating might be too much for him to deal with while he's taking over, and he might not want the baggage.  Maybe telling her off or hurting her suddenly is too risky because Yuki and CSFB! would become suspicious - but he might start blowing her off and saying he's too busy, or tell her there's someone else in his life now, or some excuse to keep his distance.

> >
She's been established before to be 19.  Lara Night has been placed around 22-23.  Yuki has refused to give her age, but between Hatman, CSFB! and her, she's probably the oldest.
> Hatman's 24, turning 25 this year, so I think the young comment applies.  CSFB! is permanently 23 I think (since Dream doesn't age but Hatman ages in real time he's passed him somehow \:\) )  And besides, we don't know how old Doorman is; he could be older.

Possibly, since I established that precedent with Lara before.  She mentioned something about her home universe being "out of sync" time-wise with the Parodyverse, making her home quite a bit more futuristic.

Just under a 6-year seperation isn't that much younger.  If you could establish that Whitney and Zdenka are a year or two older (they could be!) than Hatman, then it makes sense, because he'd normally prefer women who are the same age (like the Psychic Samurai) or slightly older than himself.

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