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killer shrike

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Location: Seattle, Washington
Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,038
Subj: Nicely done
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 at 09:14:12 am EST
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 at 08:38:47 pm EST (Viewed 354 times)

> Part 1 Here

> Midtown, Argos City, late Wednesday afternoon.
> Kat Gillespie is waiting for her short golden brown hair to dry. She wasn't much a fan of the neon blue color she had dyed her hair so as soon as she got home she got changed out of the uncomfortable clothes she was wearing & washed it out. But she was glad she dyed it because 1. She wanted to try something with her hair (She might dye it black next time) & 2. She felt that the color would complete her disguise (She thinks that that gold Lamé might of given her a rash).
> Kat sat on her second hand couch wearing a grey t-shirt hyping the now defunct BBC Radiophonic Workshop & a pair of ratty old cotton dry string pajama pants. On her feet were a pair of argyle socks.
> Kat was checking to see if anyone had replied to her latest creation. No one had really but it had only been online for an hour or two. She also had another window open, it was chat room. The topic of discussion was about the state of the world & how it seems wrong like it was changed it some way, some how.
> Kat looked at on her window & let her mind wander. It bounced from thought to thought not all that pressing but her daydreams were cut short when everything went black. Well, not everything her computer still worked. It's just the Sun disappeared & it was providing the bulk of what was lighting her one room loft apartment.
> Out from the darkness, came a voice. "Hello, Catherine."
> It was man's voice & sounded foreign, British maybe.
> Then a light turned on. It was the floor lamp over in the corner, it shown down on to a chair she didn't own & a man she didn't know. The chair was a high backed leather chair, it was a deep crimson. There seated was a tall, slender gentleman. He wore a plain looking three piece grey suit with a plain looking grey button down shirt. He also had a metallic grey tie. His shoes were pitch black leather. His hair was cut short, it was brown in color & he was slightly balding. He had a neatly trimmed, well groomed Goatee. His emerald green eyes were slightly unearthly. His arms were arched together meeting at his steepled fingers.
> "Creepy." Kat said.
> "Yes. That's one of the name I'm known by. I had thought that you, like everyone else, had forgotten the real world." The gentlemen said.
> Kat gave him a puzzled look.
> "Oh. yes. You just thought me entrance was creepy."
> "Who the frell are you & what are you doing in my apartment?"
> "We've already established who I am and why I'm here is to tell you something of great importance."
> "Which is?" Kat said as tried to remember where she left that baseball bat of hers'.
> "It's in your closet, back right corner and under some clothes." Spooky said.
> That creeped Kat out because she wasn't sure if she said that out loud or he just read her mind.
> "That latter. But, I'll stop."
> "Ok. So, what do you have to tell me?"
> "Well, normally I wouldn't be tell you this directly but to Misters Swiss and Beeslyhuxtoy. They don't currently exist, so I came to you."
> Now Kat is starting to think he's some sort of a crazed Englishman.
> "I assure you I'm quite sane." He said pause from his previous line of thought.
> Before he could continue, Kat interjected. "I thought you were going to stop reading my mind?"
> "I did but some thoughts just need to replied to."
> Kat shrugged her shoulder which signaled to him that he could go on.
> "Your thoughts on that the world is a miss some how is correct. How it came to be is too long and multi-parted to go over now. But, just know that all this is wrong."
> There was a moment of silence. Just two people looking at each other. Kat broke it a minute or so later.
> "That's it? Your matter of great importance is that everything is wrong?" Kat said, with a hint of anger in her voice.
> "Yes."
> "I already knew that!" She yelled.
> "I also knew that but I came to confirm that fact for you & tell you that the way the world will be changed back to normal, or what passes for normal, have been set in motion."
> "Am I to do anything?" Kat asked confused.
> "No." He said & the light returned to the room.
> The Sun could be seen outside. Kat set her laptop on her coffee table & got up from the couch to check what was in the dye, she thinks some of it might of leeched into her brain.




> WRITER'S NOTE: Argos City is the Moderatorverse counterpart to Goth Haven. Argos City was a possible name for the city that became Goth Haven when I created it.

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