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Location: Seattle, Washington
Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
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Subj: Thanks.
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 at 07:11:22 pm EST (Viewed 324 times)
Reply Subj: Well tied.
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 at 09:04:27 am EST

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> Downtown Parrodipolis on a pleasant Wednesday afternoon.
> A little diner frequented by all the locals: The Coffee Bar.
> In one of the booths, Lyndsai sits there waiting her friend to return from her mission to enemy territory. She keeps looking out the window & across the street to the monolithic Legion Tower. To think they once thought of building 2 towers there once.
> She calms down when she sees her friend, Kat Gillespie, exit the building. Kat cuts across traffic & makes to the other side.
> She then enters the Diner dressed in an outfit typical of her, starting from the ground up are her pair of beat up old combat boots (They had little white skulls painted on them). She was also wearing a pair of rainbow colored leggings. Her pants were a pair of well worn, tight black denim jeans that have been made into cut offs' that reach a little above her knees'. Her top was a tight black leather vest with a few too many zippers & pockets then are needed. Under the vest was a gold Lamé bikini top. Over all this was an olive drab messenger bag. On her wrists were a few too many bracelets & a couple of wrist bands. A few of her fingers had some rings on them. Her short light blue hair was slightly messed & put up in two little ponytails, one on each side of the back of her head. She also wore her horn rimmed glasses.
> Kat entered the diner, looked around for a bit & then walked over to Lyndsai's booth. As she sat down, she took of her bag.
> "So?" Lyndsai asked.
> "What?" Kat asked as a mischievous smile spread across her face. Her dark green lipstick were in a stark contrast to her pale skin but matched her eye color quite nicely.
> "You know what I mean!"
> "Oh. The cartoon?" Kat said playing innocent, a game she quite good at.
> "Yes!" Lyndsai said in a tone higher then normal.
> "Yeah. I posted it. But the icing on the cake was that I got upload it using the Legion's own internet connection."
> "So, the security guard let you on?"
> "Heck yeah! I just walked in there, used my feminine whiles on him, saying something like 'I have like five tattoos, three you can see easily & would he like to see the other two?'"
> "And he bought that?"
> "Yeah."
> "Did you have to show them to him?"
> "No. He forgot about them. He was to busy staring at my chest." Kat said as she cupped her breasts & gave them a little squeeze. "I bet I could have said anything & he would have said yes to it."
> The two women shared a laugh.
> After the giggles subsided, Lyndsai asked "So, C&R live again?"
> "Yup. A Chet & Remy Adventure numbuh 25 is live for the whole world to see." Kat said rather proudly.
> Chet & Remy are one of the 'Net most popular webtoons around. The non sequitur filled episodes poke fun at everyone & most everything, mostly at the establishment which is most often is The Moderator. Kat knows she could be sent to prison or killed for the cartoons but there is just something in the back of her mind that says everything is wrong. This is her way of stating that. The idea for the cartoon came from an odd place: Kat keep having these really vivid dreams. Dreams of these two men, she based Chet & Remy off of them mostly with a few other people throw in for good measure. Everything from Remy's poor fashion choices to ending each episode with dancing. This was the only way she could make the dreams make any sense.
> "So, you get a death replies about Numbuh 24?"
> "Some. But most on the ones I do get are when a make fun of The New Lair Legion. I know everybody loves them but something seems off about them."
> "I know. You've brought this up before." Lyndsai said.
> "I know. But, I can help but think that they shouldn't be this way."
> "Ok." Changing the subject slightly, Lyndsai asked "You hear about CalmSereneFlunkyBoy?"
> "No. What's up?"
> "The Moderator told the press that his favorite Legionnaire was a Spaced Fandom. Now he doesn't at this point how long CSFB has been replaced but vowed to get him back."
> "Hmm.." Kat said.
> "What?"
> "I don't know. You think a guy would know his favorite son was replaced by someone else."
> "Maybe. But the Spaced Fandoms' are skilled mimics & The Moderator has a lot of his plate. You know ruling the planet & all."
> "Yeah. But I just don't see how he does that. it seems like to much for one guy."
> "But he's The Moderator!"
> "Yeah. But, that's not a good answer. Plus, also where are the Old Lair Legion?"
> "Your not going to go on with that again?"
> "Yeah. You can't have something New without an Old!"
> "Yes. But.." Lyndsai started to say but stopped.
> "You don't remember the Old Legion, do you?" Kat said with a knowing look on her face.
> "No."
> "No seems to do. No one I've asked seems to too either. You just can't get mass groups of people to forget things like that."
> "There's Magic!" Lyndsai replied.
> "Yes. But, that's a sucky way to go about things. That's a cowards way to go about something. There's something You don't like something, so magic it away. There would be consequences & you can't just magic those away, too. I mean you could but..." Kat said & her voice trailed off. "I don't know. Using magic in that way just sucks."
> "ok." Lyndsai said trying to end Kat's rant. Kat's the only person she knows that questions things like this. It seems pointless to her.
> Just then their waitress comes over. "You two ready to order?"
> "I'll have the special & a cup of tea." Lyndsai said.
> "And you?"
> "You serve Waffles?"
> "No. It's after 11."
> "Then, I'll have a BLT."
> "Anything to drink?"
> "Water will be ok."
> "Ok."The waitress said & walked away.
> The two women went back to their discussion.



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