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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 2004
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Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,235
Subj: But what if he was a big bag o' dicks who enjoyed licking some cocks now and again? Then you'd just look silly.
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 at 07:05:48 pm EST (Viewed 304 times)
Reply Subj: "Allow me to RETORT!"
Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 at 06:48:59 pm EST (Viewed 305 times)

> ... And please, don't take it personally. \:\)
> > 1.) The first Ezekiel/Morlun story was published in 2001, by a writer who leaves next issue. It's predominantly in the past.
> This is a fair point, but in the discussion threads that followed my LJ posts on "One More Day," I received some replies which asked why I was down on these aspects of Straczynski's writing, and especially since my most recent "One More Day" rant could have been interpreted as a blanket defense of the rest of what Straczynski has written, I felt the need to do equal-time writer abuse.
> > 2.) The first Ezekiel/Morlun story was not a good story, but you're dwelling on how bad it is. It might be easier to focus on something else that you might actually like.
> See above. While Quesada does deserve the blame for ruining one of the aspects of Spider-Man that Straczynski actually got right - the marriage - my biggest fear is that, like Jemas, Straczynski will wind up being retroactively canonized, when in point of fact, the man still had some serious storytelling flaws of his own, independent of editorial interference, and I hate the idea of people thinking I like something that I don't.
> > 3.) The term " cocklicking dickbag " is not an argument. It's a petty attack on a man whose main sin was writing a story you didn't like. It doesn't help the discourse or improve the very debatable relevance of internet fandom. And before you use the inevitable " get out of your parents' basement " line JMS said after the attacks on his 9-11 story as a justification for such insults, I'll mention that being the better man and not resorting to insults to make your point is a good idea.
> "Cocklicking dickbag" is not an argument ... well, no fucking shit. It's an insult, and yes, it's petty, but see, the great thing about my comics-related writing is, I'm not asking anyone to pay any money for it, and to my mind, that entitles me to say whatever I goddamned well please. If this was a true parallel, then after I'd insulted Straczynski, I'd tell him that I was entitled to have him pay me money for the privilege of reading my work, because if you reverse that situation, that's exactly what happened in real life. And you know what? I'm incapable of giving a shit about being "the better man" anymore, in no small part because, while Straczynski was berating the patriotism and lack of concern for the 9/11 dead among his critics, I was on an aircraft carrier heading out to drop fucking bombs on the dickless jackholes who actually did that shit. So, once again, my entitlement trumps the holy living fuck out of his own.

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