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Anime Jason 

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Subj: What about tomorrow?  It's always a day away.
Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 at 11:45:15 am EST (Viewed 650 times)
Reply Subj: It seemed like such a good idea yesterday.
Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 at 07:26:40 am EST

> > I don't think I can guess who's causing these elevator related disturbances, unless Marvellous Marv has become less dramatic and more weird since his last appearance. Though the teleporting completely naked part, that sounds like something the Shoggoth could do except that nobody went insane yet.
> Wait until the next segment, where things get a bit more manga.

Either that means giant robots or Hatman gets a new really obnoxious girlfriend.

> > What might be amusing is that somewhere in the background one of the more suspicious Legionnaires like Epitome might insist on questioning Lara Night, who's the one person that can transport across spaces/dimensions and possibly disable electrical lighting. Of course when she does that the clothing goes with the person, so it's a little different. Plus, Lara would point out that this prank is just stupid.
> I don't think any of the Legion would seriously question Lara, unless it was "Do you know who's doing this?"

The only information Lara would really have is stuff they're already doing with Al B Harper's technology - given enough instances in close proximity to her she might be able to figure out where it's coming from.  Of course they have a device to do that already.

Only thing she could really contribute is telling them that she thinks whoever is doing this is never in in the elevator, and he's doing that from far away somewhere.  But, she also thinks he visited both the source and target elevators at some point.

> > I guess Hatman and CSFB! could have considered that Yuki can see in the dark with infrared. Of course knowing her, she probably suggested those two go specifically so she can laugh at the result.
> Each of the Legion is persuing their own lines of investigation just now. We'll see Yuki's next time. CSFB!'s gawker goggles have infrared as I recall, but unfortunately they vanished.

Al B Harper isn't going to be happy about having to replace all that lost equipment.

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