Tales of the Parodyverse >> View Post
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Visionary thanks you for the head's up, and enjoyed the story!

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Spaztic Chyld... who also appologizes for not posting, but schoolwork comes first...

Location: USA
Member Since: Tue May 18, 2004
Posts: 44
Subj: Well, I'm certainly not voting Republican in 2024
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 at 02:23:46 pm EDT
Reply Subj: 20 YEARS FROM NOW.....
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 at 01:44:24 pm EDT (Viewed 476 times)

> You open your eye... yes your eye... because the other one has been melted off of your face by the volcanic eruption that happened last week.
> Where was I? ...Oh yes...
> You open your eye to see the dawning of another hellish day. What will happen next? You freak out because you don't know. Every day seems like a paranoid delusion. What could have happened that led up to this day? Why is the sky violet? What happened to that wonderful city called Parodopolis?
> Around you, you see the wreckage of Statue Park. The only thing you can see moving in it is Gunthar, the half-gargoyle. He's doing his daily search for anyone else who might be alive. He's been going at it ever since the volcano appeared out of nowhere and blew up most of town. A few superheros are still in the area. Most have fled to alternate dimensions or other worlds where the UV rays aren't trying to disintegrate their molecules on a regular basis.
> Hiding under the shade of a wrecked train car, you wonder what you did to deserve this hellish existence. Was this hell? You ask yourself that every day... you're almost convinced it is. Looking for another possible solution, you look back to that day when everything started changing...
> It was just a month ago, when President Schwarzenegger had decided it was time to tell the public about the US Moon Base on the not-so-far-side of the moon. Apparently after they had discovered the Librarian, they wanted to keep tabs on him. When he got peeved off that they were there he left; they decided to follow him. The Librarian used a pan-dimensional cruiser to take a break from Big Brother and the US government decided to build their own ship on the moon to follow after him.
> Unfortunately, they had no idea what they were doing, and on the day of launch, President Schwarzenegger came on television to broadcast the until-then-highly-secret mission. He called it a giant leap for mankind and said that if this works, soon they will be building and launching spacecraft on the moon on a regular basis to continue the expansion of the United States. Then he declared that the United States was no longer the United States, but now would be referred to as the United Planets... even though we still only had one.
> The camera turned to the ship and its engine began to hum. President Schwarzenegger announced, "In a few short moments, da ship will launch. Please, everybody, look to da skies and witness dis momentous occasion." Millions of people in the United Planets (formerly the US) looked to the clear night sky. It was a full moon. On the television, the sound of the engines began to get louder and then, with one giant crack, heard not from the television, but from above, the moon split in two!
> People raced back to their televisions, but nothing was there but static. The Earth began to tremble and oceans began to heave. Immediately, the world was thrown into chaos. The Earth had lost her daughter the moon, and she was ticked!!! Volcanoes erupted and mountains began to fall. With President Schwarzenegger gone, no one knew where to turn for guidance. Superheroes tried to help, but it was to little avail.
> It turned out that the engine for their ship was actually part of an inter dimensional slicer that the Librarian had collected on one of his many journeys to observe. They had hooked it up to a nuclear reactor, as it looked like a small engine to them, and essentially created a world slicer. When the engine started, they sent a slice of the moon to some alternate dimension. (Apparently it's being used as a space port for that Earth now.)
> Ever since that day, life has been a box of chocolates... with grenades interspersed.
> And you... You just look up into the sky and wonder what will happen when the halves of the moon actually make it to Earth, as you've been noting their increasing size each and every night.
> Maybe Indiana Gnome will come back with the rest of his gnome buddies and make it all right. Either that or get you off of this floating death trap.

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