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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
Subj: She had her time.
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 at 04:54:31 am EST (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: Poor Princess Magweed
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 at 07:31:58 pm EST (Viewed 511 times)

    I'm going to respond regard to the new chapter first then come back to the replies.


    First, it was good to see the various plot points get closer to coming together. So now we have the missing Legionnaires (Ham-Boy, Al B., Yuki and CSFB! (who was hidden)) joining up with the other plot line, and joining Vinnie, and Laurie/Beth.

    We've also got the revelation that The Abyssal Greye is/was Buckland Dean (or was that already known?), former leader of the Improbable College, and forebear of FFF.

I've known who Greye was for a very long time so I may have dropped hints, but I think this is the first time it's been plainly stated, and indeed shown.

    I have a few questions.

    First up Avrogadrus del Lune of Part 19 became Hieronymus del Lune here. Is that a mistake?

It was a mistake and has now hopefully been entirely corrected. Hieronymous del Lune would have been quite out of his timeline here.

    Sarah of Dunboggie came through the time-gate-thing with the rest of them, but she wasn't/isn't our Sarah is she?

This is the same serving-girl Sarah who appeared in the 1770 story, who still hasn't had her big break but is still a swashbuckling undercover agent for the Improbable College. She's the same Sarah who encounters the Marquis de Herringcarp and Lady Circe D'Aosta over eighty years later on her deathbed and makes a deal that puts her consciousness inside Aunt Sally. She is therefore the same Sarah who just charged the Apostate on the other side of the galaxy.

    Also, what happens to the mind/soul of the former self when one takes over a former self - does it just sit in status somewhere and then snap back once the future self has moved on? These heroes are all still in their past selves bodies aren't they?

Those travellers sacrificed their corporeal forms, so yes, they are occupying ancestors or historical analogues of themselves. The question of whether these historical versions are different people or just other-lives versions of the same people remains unknown.

    Visionary and Hallie are still to join up again.

Well, there were 150 years earlier, but that's now moot.

    Also this got me going back through Parts 14, 15 and 19. And then some of the links in those to other older stories.

    There were several characters mentioned who I assume were (and in some cases have been established as) forebears of current LL members and cast.
    I'm wondering if some were just coincidental rather than forebears?
    Some of course are reliving the lives of said ancestors now.

    Living the lives of their past ancestors (??) The justiciar’s clerk, Blow-Ye-The-Trumpets-In-Sion Aivry (Visionary), and Black Helen the Greenhag (Hallie).

We're really into metaphysical speculation here. Hallie is a sentient being who was originally based upon the engrams of a murdered computer genius, Helen MacAllistair (she who it turned out did not cheat with Al B. when he was dating Muffy Framlicker). Yet Hallie is not the electronic ghost of Helen. So is Black Helen the Greenhag an ancestor of Dr MacAllistair's? And if so is she a direct descendant, because if so Black Helen has some spawning to get on with?

That same leaving-descendants argument also affects Fredo, Cap'n Biancaneve etc. We can safely assume that Buckland Dean will not now be dating much.

    Some of these seem very close to the current protagonists to be just ancestors (The Purveyors for instance)?


    There were also references to some others:
    "The adventurer de Clement,” he wheezed. “The explorer. He returned along the Silk Road from the court of Liu Xia Zhou, the Lord of Fire.” Presumably DBS and Liu Xia Xian?

We have previously established a long lineage for Liu Xi's forebears, albeit they now had an original progenitor who never existed.

    A shapely peasant brunette, Sarah of Dunboggie: That timeline version of our Sarah since she wasn't with them originally?

I may be reluctant to significantly feature poster-characters of absent posters but I have my workarounds.

    a tall glass jar of constantly roiling emerald fumes (Impossibilityium?)[/a]

    >It was CSFB!, so yes.

      All just forebears? There's a whole lot of familiar connections going on...coincidence?

    CSFB! has written great screeds on why CrazySugarFreakHeroes! keep cropping up.

      I'm confusing myself now. \:\)

    It's good to share.


        My problem right now is climbing ivy. It's on every outbuilding and this week I removed it from the living room windows. It is now trying to invade the cellar via the coial chute.


      Presumably you mean coal chute? I read that as coital chute and had confused thoughts about what occurs in Yorkshire cellars.

    Yes, I mean coal. Get your mind out of the coal chutes.


        The Visionatus chapter, which has to bear an excruciating amount of expositon, will be very hard to assemble.

      And footnote I imagine.

    I got one and a half scenes in before the dreaded dealine doom took me.


        Now to get everyone into a single room to reveal whodunnit.

      You're almost there.

    Not even close. There are cast who haven't even showed up yet.


        All of those meet some criteria. Also Champagne and Gurl.

    I must have missed those names in Chapter titles.

Champage's name appeared in every chapter of her own series. Gurl had headlined long ago too. And did we mention Pegasus?



        It strikes me that the daughter of a Sea-Monkey-Human combination would possibly be rather exotic or have some kind of powers.



    I have my guess.


And whilst you are wrecking your brain, do not forget:

    "the yellow-coated corpse" = Visionary.
    "a raven-feather quill" umm, Chronicler?
    "a matted clump of purple rabbit fur" Yo!
    "a rusted Antikythera-like mechanism" Al B. or Yuki, or Hallie.
    "a dusty ball the size of a small fist" ?
    "a dried leaf rotted to brown flinders" who is our nature character again?
    "a stoppered stone bottle with crusted white mould around the cork." ... Sorceress?