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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
Subj: Another excellent Parodyverse villain!
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 at 02:08:31 am EST (Viewed 3 times)
Reply Subj: I'd trade it for killer abs.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 at 04:57:31 pm EST (Viewed 431 times)

    I'm so proud of those kids. And they are so grounded.

Griffin called it like he saw it.

    Wonderful job of bringing the threads together here in a classic Hooded Hood style! The convergence of threats and the use of the Portal of Pretensiousness to turn them against each other was a delightful twist, leaving an interesting cast assembled in the mythlands. I enjoyed Sam's outfit, and griffon getting to live his dream in semi-reality was fun to see. Good to have another safe beachhead from which to problem solve as well, since we still haven't seen who is ultimately behind all of this, have we?

Not yet, no. I've tried to lay down a few hints.


      I think it gives her [Night Nurse Grace O' Mercy] more agency and a bit of darkness to layer on the obvious "stitch the characters up" and "feed them the plot" angles.

    It definitely does, and it works so thematically well. So now that she's in Faerie, is she back to being a full vampire? Does she get a new fairy-tale outfit? Do the rest of them?

The people who entered via the Portal don't get an automatic redo (unless they want one), but may decide they want a change of clothing during the six weeks that happen there while a day passes in the real world. The ones who pass through the Lighthouse's steading gate get the complusory makeover, including equipment adjustment and even biological changes; that includes anyone who takes up Magweed's offer of sanctuary.

And of course, should you feel the need to add to your collection of Mythlands-themed costume pictures you are most welcome.

One thing I'll have to make sure to find a line to make clear in-story: Vizh, Hallie, and Miiri couldn't use the dying gate to Faerie to support the kids; they are all still banned.


      I find him more interesting now as a spooky supernatural villain. An adversary who possesses buildings would be a fun foe to take on the LL.

    It would almost certainly have to include the Yurt at some point, wouldn't it? I agree though... it's a nifty power set you gave him.

He needs a villain name next.


      I hope Ruby and Tanner pull through as well... I like the Laundromat's lead characters.


      Given their injuries I doubt they'll make it in a mundane world.

    Well then somebody had best collect them! If I recall, they both had swanky looks in Faerie themselves...

Noted. Good thought.