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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: That's just tasty.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 at 10:59:09 am EST (Viewed 447 times)
Reply Subj: A = pi R squared
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 at 01:14:18 am EST (Viewed 4 times)

    Just his buffet table must have stretched the budget.

Just one table?

    Grace made a similar point about "trusting the surgeon".

Chiaki believes trust is earned. If she has no reason to trust someone, she won't readily make a leap of faith. Unless, of course, her own goals coincide with the person she doesn't trust; because then she's not really going into unknown territory.

    Also, Chiaki can somewhat sense the danger and power amassed against Vinnie, putting him in a damned-if-you-do, dead-if-you-don't situation.

She's smart, though; she knows how to manipulate her enemies into believing she's cooperative until the right time to break away. It's a function of her extremely patient nature, and how she often manages to look like she's on their side until she turns on them at the right moment and dismantles them. It's way more efficient than a last stand that ends badly.

Lara does something similar because she learned from Chiaki. She'll "hide her true power" (Chiaki's words) and patiently wait until she can cause maximum damage.

Yuki is the opposite; she'd insult her enemies, and then make a last stand. Not because he's reckless or crazy, though. She thinks *very* quickly, and depends on that to turn any fight to her favor.

    The problem is, in that brief instant of decision, she doesn't have time to convey to Vinnie that one choice leads to both their destruction and maybe three or four thousand other instant casualties and that the other has massive far-reaching consequences. Their adversary knows what she can do and isn't about to allow her that opportuinity to interfere.

If Chiaki doesn't have the time, she falls back to personally interfering somehow. She's not really into sacrificing herself, but she might take the chance at being hurt to force Vinnie to see what this person is really like.

I'm glad this part ended with a Chiaki comment, because she would definitely be amused with the outcome of today's post. It's an art of subtlety to have 3 children sneak into Faerie and turn things around using 3 mirrors. She might suspect Faite had a hand in it, because Faite is usually the subtle one.