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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Hence computers.
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 at 01:35:27 am EST (Viewed 3 times)
Reply Subj: I was never good at math.
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 at 12:39:27 am EST (Viewed 488 times)


      I'm not arguing that the dramatic fiction is wrong. Everyone from James Bond to Han Solo benefits from it. Where the writer positions his characters on that "realism curve" determines the stule of book they write.

    I do all sorts of varieties. It just happens that Keiko lives in a world where getting shot sucks.

As opposed to the TV shows where the hero gets shot in the shoulder, wins the fight, and saves the day clutching one hand to his wound, and then is better by the last scene.


      That's in line with a number of self-defence doctrines, but I'm not familiar with the details.

    It is. And in Keiko's case it goes double, because she's quick and knows how to use what little weight she has; but she's also in the category where one good hit from a man of any size and she's out cold. So she also has to hit early and use the element of surprise. She can't do like Indiana Jones and have a long battle with the biggest guy on the field.


      Anna and Nena... As far as I know this may be their first opportunity to meet and interact with the robot community, and especially rhe larger not-human-looking faction that are suspicious of "posh skinjobs".

    This is where their personalities might differ drastically:

    Anna is extremely charitable and task-driven. She would continue to help the robots even if they call her names.

    Nena, on the other hand, would feel hurt and unappreciated and walk off. She would have to be convinced to come back. Fortunately Anna is pretty good at convincing her.

In some days its reminiscent of how some Black people must have felt about other Black people "passing as White" to avoid prejudice; but also most human-shaped robots are designed and built for human entertainment, so it's also the wolves laughing at the dogs.


      I don't expect to cover the Lemurian trip except is passing reference so feel free to go at it if you want.

    I'll see what I can do, since the after-this-is-all-over story has now been re-written 5 times and still sucks.


      As you may have seen, Lara features in the next chapter.

    Chiaki promised her that she would stay alive, so at least she doesn't have that to worry about.

She could possibly worry a little.


      [Chiaki's part in Chapter 12] It's really not a side-quest. It's a breakthrough.


We know she's been meditationg and trying to sort through the confusion of what she's seeing. What she actually sees clearest then is a murder; or rather a different murder each time at the same place in the same way.