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Subj: Hey, I've been around Lisa enough to know that it hurts everywhere.
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 at 10:13:43 pm EST (Viewed 446 times)
Reply Subj: The truth hurts. Especially on the top of the cranium.
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 at 03:50:54 am EST (Viewed 4 times)

Alas poor Carl... we hardly knew ye. (One note: he slips into being called "Carlsberg" instead of Carlsbad a few times.). That was decidedly a bad way to go. It can't have been fun to watch, either... here's hoping our latest gathering of office holders and Asil can dodge a repeat performance.

And to answer Asil's question: Huckleberry meaning

Interesting new characters to drop into the thick of things... let's see if they survive long enough for us to get to know them.

    It would be okay to be in the control school bus, but what about the poor other kids?

Well. I think you really need to worry about the group that's testing whether the bus itself is really necessary or if it's just the tightly grouped bunch of kids inside.

    Sometimes it helps to show the LL at their usual daily business. And of course, all the chapters in this issue are happening more or less simultaneously.

Hopefully they all survive long enough to compare notes.

    As I said to Al. B in a reply earlier this month, the overabundance of female supporting cast, and of weird female supporting cast who are robots, succubi, vampires, ghouls, aliens etc., is an artefact of the overwhelmingly young male poster and poster-character presence of the earlier PVB.

I get that, but I feel that "weird" supporting cast have the most reason to exist in the PV. I can certainly see how things may have grown unbalanced as we lost more and more male posters. But you know, you can peacefully retire characters... you don't need to put them all down. They could all move upstate to live on a farm instead.

    I think you're quite right about Tandi. If she was ever cast (a la Al B's and CSFB!'s traditional casting lists) I'd look for someone who was able to play comedy, play an everygirl, and yet still be stunning and sexy; and a redhead - so probably Karen Gillan.

Now you have me worried that Tandi is going to go all "Nebula" on us someday...

    I trust you noted that in the recent student slaughterfest, only one female cast member actually bit the big one, whereas five male cast got deaded.

I suppose the fact that I don't mind at all would get me yelled at by the alt right.

    You never wanted an in-lounge pool?

Not one with bottom feeding bay carp in it, no.

    True. Vizh or his household may well have another opportunity for annoyance of this adversary in UT#357.

Looking forward to it!