Tales of the Parodyverse >> View Post
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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Not if the planet is destroyed.
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 at 10:43:36 am EST (Viewed 446 times)
Reply Subj: Want to bet?
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 at 03:21:21 am EST (Viewed 2 times)

    If the story fits then great; but don't bend the narrative to somebody else's paths. Better to tell a complete story that is its own thing.

I'll email you the tie-in section. You might just choose to grab its content and use it instead, since it's so short. Then I can cut it out, and post the rest.

    It's a bit easier in a fictional fantasy world like the Parodyverse, where demons barter for souls or monsters devour them, but even then it gets a bit difficult to prove something like that in court.

That can cause a lot of problems in any case. It could cause a superiority complex among those who know for sure they have a soul.


      Since all the sentient robots didn't drop at once - only the ones who realized the error - I thought that sort of error correction can work, at least temporarily. Eventually too many errors would be hit. or a different kind, and it would fall apart again.

    The current early index patients are really the canaries in the coal mine.

I guess the question I asked myself is if they've already been cut off from the source of their sentience, why don't they all drop at once? The answer I came up with is their body or Intiution Interface is capable of holding on to it until it encounters an error, and then it "reboots" and has to reload it. Kind of how your web browser caches things until it closes or something changes.

Based on that theory, I thought if something could prevent their Intuition Interface from sensing the error right away, it could preserve them for a while.