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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
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Subj: Indeed!
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 at 04:30:28 am EST (Viewed 490 times)
Reply Subj: Yes.
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 at 04:02:18 pm EST (Viewed 3 times)


      That's an interesting point and makes me think about what their relationship is like. I guess there is the usual brother-sister sibling rivalry.

    Except that Kara started out as a direct alternative continuity Harperling, who by Conservation of Narrative could only survive for long if she eliminaed Cody. I forget how, but that is resolved for now. But it does mean her initial intention in this timeline was to kill her "brother".

This is very true, and why I'm not sure her motives are 100% known (probably even to herself). I see no reason NOT to trust her - but should push come to shove and her own life be on the line at the expense of someone else? Well...what do you think?

    Little sister, Darth Kyza, doesn't need to eliminate her siblings to remain in timespace. She just wants to. And she keeps calling her dad "Han B. Harper" for some reason.

Oh i think we know why. (Wasn't there a third 'son of Harper' somewhere? I think I wrote him in and never went further).


      I figure though that she has a rather protectiveness lean towards Cody though she'd never admit it. For his part, he's probably still wondering just who the heck she actually is.

    Well, one minute he was a happy surfer dude visiting Paradopolis and suddenly a huge pile of continuity dropped on him.

Exactly. He does enjoy decoding the ancient dead languages in the Lair Mansion below-crypt crypts though (when he is allowed down with Shoggoth supervision). Those ancient words are probably quite the challenge.


      There's a lot to Kara which is somewhat unknown. Why is she staying around in this time zone when she could go back to the future (no pun intended)? Is it just to get to know Al B. and co or is there more to it? She's an interesting one - I see Cody as having rather altruistic (and probably one dimensional) motives like his dad, but I'm not sure Kara wouldn't be above stretching things - hence joining Triple A (albeit for her own reasons).

    It's almost like her poster should write something about it all.

Almost. I confess I have no plans to do so anytime soon - but then I had no plans to write anything and you prompted a tie-in of sorts.

    My statistical team has a bad cold now but she's slowly recovering. She sent me an email today with the links to Chapter 6's continuity references.

Six is out? Oh goodie! Pass on my best for a speedy recovery to the statistician.

    Lucy is 16, so she might be a bit young for him.

Ah true. Well there must be some other way to find to torment her.

    Keyboards Melanie and Fly-Girl for the win!

They share a common bond over their uncommon names.

    I suspect every level or computer tech will have its geeks criticising it. Besides, Kara is all about the maths of it, which isn't anything like as interesing as the script exploits. She actually wants to fix the flaws and where's the fun in that?


    So now Nigerian princes are able to access your online bank accounts?

"Hello, this is Nigerian Prince. I could access his bank accounts but I'm having difficulty and need a 450 GBPound deposit first to set this up - if you can provide this I will split the profits with you?"