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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
Subj: "And kick yourselves down the stairs on the way out!"
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 at 02:06:58 pm EST (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: "Security! I need you to get rid of Security!"
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 at 06:13:48 am EST (Viewed 473 times)


      I deliberately didn't plot this run out in detail so I'd be surprised at what happened (as I often was back when I wrote Untold Tales regularly). I knew what the situation was going to be and I let the characters determine what happened after that.

    It's a fun way to write. I don't think I ever progressed much past it though - the problem with most of my writing is the lack of actual plot, and time spent plotting. Hey - at least I'm aware of this. I just need a wealthy friend to invite me and a few others to spend a week by a lake in Switzerland so I can work on my plots without any other concerns, right?

That also has to include quite a few psychotropic substances and a deal of partner-swapping.


      Like I said, what happens next is a poster call.

    Isn't Chronic a poster (was once a poster)?

Yep. Chronic is somewhere around my "long abandoned characters" mental list that I feel it's okay to occasionally raid when I have a good plot for them. But that's different from my "long left behind by their posters but with a list of instructions for use" list and my "posters have given me carte blanche with these characters" lists. I'm fairly confident that I'm not doing Chronic any disservice by writing him in chasing down a hot future-chick.


      Well, he did volunteer for that Order of the Observing Eye trip with Beanie and Fly-Girl that time.

    Good Lord Ian - your memory! Colour me impressed.

I actually remember writing that one.


      Gaz feels like this problem is in bhis wheelhouse. He's happy to sit back and let life wash over him on the outer space trips and when villains want to fight, but when it gets theological he has to take it seriously.

    Well, we don't want him serious all the time, but, yeah, he art Donarson for sooth!

Well, when he gets to star in a chapter he probably needs a bit more meaty material than usual.



        Not sure I understand why there is no fire in hell though - isn't that an oxymoron? Or is this the 'piss-weak' layer? Lol, someone should mention that to old Grimpy.


        Grimpenghast constructed this hell-dimension to a specification suitable for trapping Kerry; hence the lack of flammable items. It's her personal hell!

    Ah, makes sense. Though I still think "Verily, this art piss-weak hell" is a quote just waiting to happen.



      Lucy is looking for payback for all the times she's been disrespected by her older team-mates, before she goes and wipes out her annoying goody-goody big brother and everything he stands for.

    I'm expecting him before the end of the story.

I'm not currently planning for him to appear. See my comments to Jason elsewhere in the thread about from-left-field characters turning up to resolve the plot. This one is down to the Juniors with nothing but Checkov's gun to help them.


      I have just one more chapter to write to finish this - once I work out how to get out of the end of chapter five.

    "Chop Chop" (as they say)

I'll proof and post chaper 5 and then get on with it.