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Anime Jason 

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Subj: It's started. So far it's not much better.
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 at 01:07:03 pm EST (Viewed 451 times)
Reply Subj: Well, the weekend is over now, so I hope the week works out better.
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 at 04:44:55 am EST (Viewed 5 times)

    Grimpenghast, a lawyer amongst archfiends, is especially good at tempting well-meaning and powerful entities to transgress the rules and bypass the laws of theological domain. First they fall foul of the laws of reality, then then they just fall.

That presents a good opportunity to make it easier to understand Faite's personality.

Faite is highly self-protective. It comes from being plucked out of humanity at a time when Darwin's laws ruled supreme. You look out for yourself, because no one else will, and they'll even take advantage if you fail to do so. Since then, she's mostly looked at the universe and humanity from a great distance.

Over time, they became something alien and distant to her. Then she started to interact with the heroes of the Parodyverse, and developed an attachment to some of them, which made her sad about the loss of connection to humanity. She made herself into a teenage human (one of the few times she used her "changing current time" power to benefit herself) to try and re-connect. She chose that age because she realized being an adult would mean she would have to "join the grind" and figure out where to fit in and how to make a living. She had no concept of any of that, and was still wary of joining the Lair Legion directly to have that part taken care of.

At the moment, she's tempted to join the Lair Legion because of the influence of and patience of none other than the Psychic Samurai. But she's conflicted on three counts: Whether it's right to allow the Lair Legion exclusive access to that kind of power, and if it's fair to the "other side"; whether the Lair Legion would understand if she can't help with something because it would upset a very delicate power balance (Chiaki would, and would fight for her - Yuki, not so much); and whether she's socially adjusted enough to deal with it.

How that ties into what you said about Grimpenghast, is that would just amplify the internal conflict for Faite. She's not afraid of him at all; she is afraid of being forced to unleash her power on him, and upset what is probably one of the most delicate balances in the Parodyverse. Not doing so, however, could harm the Juniors. Whenever she's caught in an impossible situation like that, she has to use a lot of personal willpower to not fall back into the habit of going into hiding to avoid the situation altogether (i.e. disappearing instead of helping). It's not out of malice or selfishness; she genuinely believes that others will understand that it's for the best; and Chiaki will. But she's gradually learning that's not always the case.

So in short, Faite is conflicted and afraid. She's been secretly trained by Chiaki to use her brain more than her power, but she doesn't have a lot of "in the field" experience to make her confident with it yet.

In all likelihood, that adds up to her realizing she has no safe and sure way to deal with Grimpenghast. She knows she can't harm him or lots of things will fall apart, but she might fight him to a stalemate, or use what Chiaki taught her and keep debating with him until more help comes along.

    That's where I struggle with my handle on the character. At 15 she's in the "some things don't happen to her for good taste" zone. As an infinitely experienced entity looking 15 she's in the "don't put her in with the kids, it's a bit creepy, like grandma hanging out round the skateboard park" zone.

She's very quiet, and looks rather annoyed if you disturb her, and she has a hidden intensity that makes it seem like she's looking right through you while you talk to her. So she's supposed to be a bit creepy. Not walking corpse creepy, but a Stephen King/Wednesday Adams vibe where if you don't really know her, you're not sure if she will kill you. Or wait until you fall asleep and then kill you. Kerry would really love her.

    The only way I'll probably "get" how you see Faite working is to read on and see how you do it in practice.

Maybe. She really hasn't appeared all that much though, I've kind of kept her off to the side so she doesn't overwhelm the stories I was writing.

    FA is the most likely to judge by appearances. Danny is the most likely to be suspicious about the "appearing to be a teenage girl" thing.

I would estimate that FA would probably call Faite "that creepy girl". Or maybe "that creepy fashion-challenged girl". Danny might avoid her completely because she's nearly a direct opponent of his power. She'll know when he denies things, and he might be afraid if he pisses her off, she just might reverse all of it just so the Juniors can see what he's been doing. Of course really Faite has no intention of doing any of that, but it's the first time Danny has had to worry about it.

As I said above, Kerry might love her, mostly because Faite will almost never have something to say when Kerry is talking.

    Additionally, she has green skin, so she's pretty obvious when she's out and about. Most people assume she's one of the Caphan-wannabe bodypaint cosplayer dom/sub lifestyle girls who infest the Parodyverse, but now its known there's a Caphan on campus she's getting a lot of attention.

Now that's something Lara can relate to. She's been in a few public relations promotions for various organizations, and a lot of people now know who she is. If the two of them were walking together through campus, it's possible the entire press corps would show up to find out what's going on.

    Which is to say, that's why Vespiir heading off for an outing with somebody she's not actually sharing a "tent" with would be a big deal. She'd try it, but it would be major for her.

That's what she needs, something major.

    Lara really needs a regular job in the Parodyverse. Yuki's a PI when she's not a superhero. Chiaki runs a dojo, as I recall. Liu Xi has helped out at charity causes like Hatman's GMY social centre and the Zero Street Mission. I may misremember, but I think even Anna has done some freelance consulting. What does Lara live on?

Lara does have an irregular job. Yuki serves as her agent for doing public relations promos for all sorts of organizations, mostly because Lara is not afraid of the public eye (she gets a lot of that at home). That started back when she got arrested - part of the sentence was charity work, and she got her start doing promos for that.

Chiaki's dojo is private lessons only. She also invests in real estate, and is a guidance counselor at Faite's boarding school. She's part owner in the Zero Street Mission, which is part of why no one has managed to buy it and tear it down.