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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
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Subj: With you throwing me bones like the Tanner/Haggatha story pointer inside I'll be the one making myself comfortable, thanks.
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 at 07:48:44 pm EST (Viewed 627 times)
Reply Subj: Then thuddy had better make himself comfortable.
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 at 08:44:14 am EST (Viewed 6 times)

    All done now, excpet for one EEE epilogue scene. Heh.

*insert Al B. afraid remark*

    George died facing the Parody Master in UT #301. At his last meeting with Asil at the farewell party the night before, UT #299, she ran away rather than kiss him.

Dang. I'd forgotten that till you reminded me. Poor Asil will be ruing that decision forever.

    I did write and post a story featuring young runaway Hagatha's first meeting with Tanner a while back.

*Insert appropriate exclamation - nothing I type seems to convey enough emotion for me* How could I have missed that?!

Christmas 1872 for anyone else following along who may be wondering.

Posted Christmas 2012? Maybe I was elsewhere? But what a fantastic story to find and read right now. I really really like it when you go into depth in the mythos like this. And what a lot we learnt here:

- The story behind Tanner's curse reveled at last. And gives us some interesting thoughts to muse - the first being that he is approx 2000 years old!

- Have you determined if he is from a particular or known Iron Age tribe? If he's from the Ordovices or Silures I'd love to see him in a geology lecture. "Really - we're reduced to this?" Or maybe not.

- Tanner is a Tanaise! (or was anyway). I had to google that. Also had to google athame. Did I mention I love it when you get deep into this stuff?

- There's still a Tanner and the dragon story waiting to be told (or have I missed that one too?).

- The Hallows. Sword, Cup, Spear and Stone. Hmmm.....

- Oh I see that Visionatus Improbablus reference too. You are a master planner extraordinar. Do you have all this stuff written down on cheat-sheets in your study or is it all in your head?

- This is the first PV appearance of The Cailleach isn't it? I remember thinking I hadn't seen her before while reading the Vinnie novel

Aside from all of this - it was a great story too. I really enjoyed it. The build up to the threat of both Tempestus De Soth and wolf-Tanner was intense. It's great to see this background to both Tanner and Haggatha which cements aspects to their characters. Thanks Ian for bringing it to my attention and apologies I'd overlooked it the first time around.

PS: Is it time for a De Soth family tree?

    Indeed. Who could do such a thing? [break through EEE! defenses]

It's Kinki isn't it?


      So...you made a Shoggoth picture?

    I believe that one is courtesy of Visionary.

Visionary has never graced us a Shoggoth picture to my knowledge (and sadness).

And because I no longer want to scroll - let's continue with the other discussions here:

From You can get into trouble for pony-tossing these days.

    It's a good theory. But wrong.

So, not fake Knifey. Kinki then. Definitely Kinki.

    Of course, if we went with Vizh's concept of jumping the PVB forward in real time, then Sam Featherstone is now leading a Lair Legion line-up of Kerry, FA, Gaz, Mags, Griffin, MLA, Glitch, and Trickshot Jr. And Danny is not a member.

I have been following that discussion. I suppose there is merit to considering it, sure. Though, I also see that as "an alternate future" and one of just many possibilities.

Somehow, I can accept that even though the LL's last appearance was just yesterday in 2005, it's now 2016 and not a day earlier. Like a rubber band has been stretched for those 10 years, and now snapped back into place. People haven't aged, but politics/popular culture/everything else has caught up. Think of it as Parodyverse magic time. Or maybe (likely) there's a villain behind it. In anycase, it works for me. Stories continue and we're not stuck having to reference 2005.

Having said that - if folks want to write stories about Sam Featherstone's team as the current status quo then I can but say - go for it! Who knows where it will lead.

And from: Smartass you are!

    Historicals take more time to write because of the research. Mysteries take more time because they require more intense plotting. Historical mysteries are the worst and damn near kill me.

Historical mysteries are so enjoyable to read though, but please don't die for it.

    It is. Ideally you need someone who can thread the line between keeping you coherent and stomping over your personal style, who can tell you which bits are rubbish without offending you, and can encourage and enthuse while still remaining critical.

It's a talent, and not at all easy to do. It takes faith that the author will appreciate you're not trying to offend, but offer a different view. The author should still be able to disagree without causing, or worrying about any counter-offense as well.

    At the minimum one hopes for an editor who does not correct mistakes one hasn't made and introduce new grammatical and spelling errors by their 'improvements'.


And from A flash in the pan.

Thanks! Will check it out later.

    reviews on different regional Amazon sites don't always cross over, either. A review or star rating on amazon.co.uk, for example, doesn't always appear on amazon.com.

This does seem to be the case.

    Then Jason has redone the board architecture so that archive page links no longer map to current page link conventions, so even where those pages are still there they won't work remotely from my site. There may be ways to mass-replace addresses on my archived pages to update the links, but nobody has told me what it is. The only alternative would be for me to go through every posting on Jason's site and recopy every single one, which isn't going to happen.

I doubt it would be worth the effort. We can still find what we want, and searching is part of the fun. Or we can always chat about it - also enjoyable.