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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
Subj: A flash in the pan.
Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 at 11:53:17 am EST (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Suddenly, a spark of light!
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 at 09:48:26 pm EST (Viewed 352 times)


      I've been rereading some Untold Tales this weekend (or reading them for the first time in some cases) and I've just found a scene where Mumphrey, the Hood, and the Parody Master are all in the same room fulminating at each other.

    Heh, I'd like to see that (again).

UT/302: The Hooded Hood Goes To War

    As for Amazon ratings, they are remarkably effective in promoting sales. No wonder some people go to such lengths to cheat with them.

    Yes, I intend to do it (rate, not cheat). I thought I had already but apparently not. Or maybe I was getting confused with Robin Hood.

reviews on different regional Amazon sites don't always cross over, either. A review or star rating on amazon.co.uk, for example, doesn't always appear on amazon.com.


      I seem to have missed a few stories that people posted in reply threads rather than as new ones.

    Some are gone forever. Like a flower, blooming once in the sun, then but a memory.

Alas, alack!


      One significant loss is the linkage of archived pages on my site to reply messages on the PVB.

    Ah, a server move, that's what happened 'eh? I'd offer to assist but I doubt I am any more proficient at it than you already are.

These were several issues. Obviously, Jason doesn't have copies of material from the three board incarnations that predate his site. A lot of the earlier years on his site - "gigabites of it" - have not been re-uploaded after server shifts and failures.

Then Jason has redone the board architecture so that archive page links no longer map to current page link conventions, so even where those pages are still there they won't work remotely from my site. There may be ways to mass-replace addresses on my archived pages to update the links, but nobody has told me what it is. The only alternative would be for me to go through every posting on Jason's site and recopy every single one, which isn't going to happen.