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Subj: Re: Vinnie and Liu Xi
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 at 10:09:25 am EST (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Vinnie and Liu Xi
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 at 09:12:34 am EST (Viewed 465 times)


      However, there's also the possibility that if Liu Xi starts sharing, something terrible happens right there, right then, to Yuki (major processor failure leading to brain death or something), and then the Hooded Hood turns up to retcon it and give Liu Xi the chance to reconsider her confession. I'd have to think about it.

    If Liu Xi tells Yuki first, it wouldn't be much of a disaster that she would have to worry about reconsidering it; Yuki probably put together the puzzle pieces by now, and already suspects. Now if someone like CSFB! finds out by accident, then Liu Xi is in real trouble.

CSFB! would be a difficult one to handle, because its unclear whether he would sympathise having been manipulated by HH himself or blame her because she gave in to HH's coercion. In fact without input from poster-CSFB! I'd shy away from chronicling it in detail.

    The real fun might be if Hallie finds out, because she can keep secrets, but might agonize over whether this is important enough to share. Or you can emphasize that she really doesn't have total understanding of human emotion, and thinks if she tells the LL, everything will be okay.

I generally don't write Hallie as lacking in emotion or understanding of it, only sometimes in self-confidence.


      What is the maximum price one should pay for saving the Parodyverse?

    Faite would call that a "stupid question".



      Well, we do know that the two of them eventually have irreconcilable differences.

    It definitely sounds like it's heading there, simply because Vinnie is shutting out Liu Xi and all of her help. She'll eventually feel like Vinnie is a drug addict who has to hit rock-bottom before he seeks help, and she'd give in to that and help it along by giving up on him.

It's a while ago now, but didn't you already write them breaking up?

    Liu Xi has been suspecting he had enemies like that, which is why she works so hard building a support and protection system. That's why she's getting angry, because after all of that, Vinnie's solution seems to be to leave her and the entire protection system behind and go it alone. Wouldn't you be angry?

I wouldn't take either Vinnie's or Liu Xi's position, so it's hard to say. From a writer's point of view, I think it would be easy to tell a story espousing either viewpoint depending on what events happened. It would be easy to have things work out to support each case. I'll be avoiding doing that because I think it's subtler if there's a shade of doubt there to allow readers to form their own opinions.

Also, I like to have progression of these kinds of differences, so that rather than jump to a status quo or solution I get to enjoy each stage of the difficulty and show something new about the protagonists.


      Presumably [Chiaki]'s seeing elements of some potential futures that can be averted.

    That's pretty much it. She can even use it very quickly to beat opponents in a fight before they even know themselves what they'll do.

I suppose her limitation there would be against physical opponents whose enhanced abilities she might anticipate but never counter.


      It would be interesting to see her in a scene with exiled Caphan and current Junior Vespiir, who was forehead-branded and cast out ownerless because she had forbidden prophetic gifts.

      Chiaki has no real training with her gift, it's all self-learned.

    Vespiir was brought up to believe her gift was blasphemy (only male Caphans may be seers). When she was discovered, Vespiir was cast out masterless, abused very badly by the people of her former clan, and then almost executed by the priesthood of Caph. Her evacuation saved her life and has somewhat opened her eyes. She would have much to learn from a "sister" like Chiaki.

      Wouldn't [Lara] be better persuing a relationship outside the superhero community?

    Officially, she's "not sure". She's still kind of young, and lacks the experience with love that most of the LL has, including Hatman. So she's not really certain what she wants.

Future stories will tell.


      So far. In many ways, in the absence of Trickshot, Yuki is the LL's short fuse now.

    Far less reckless, though.

I'd suggest reckless in a different way. Not thoughtless but definitely spontaneous.