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Subj: Thank you.
Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 at 07:11:23 pm EST
Reply Subj: There are some in my archive.
Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 at 06:13:16 am EST

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I have some early postings from BZL going back to 1998 and pretty much all the story content from 2001 linked by year from http://www.chillwater.org.uk/HH/archive/others/ Ironically, the biggest gaps are where other posters kept their own archive sites so I didn't bother to duplicate them, so we're light on material from Finny, DK, AG, Falcon and a few others. Art is archived at http://www.chillwater.org.uk/HH/index8.htm

Looking at my "Homepage of Doom" site for the first time in quite a while I see there are quite a few broken links, so if you encounter any please let me know.

The earliest thing I can easily identify from you is "Origin of Messenger - Pieces of the Mirror" at http://www.chillwater.org.uk/HH/archive/others/2000/messenger%20origin.htm There's probably some earlier stuff but you'd have to check it out manually rather than rely on titles; the earliest archive (that I inherited) was made by Xander the Improbable who used a less structured file-naming system than I adopted later.

Good to hear from you.


I couldn't find Xander's old archive on your site though. Do you have a direct link?

Alas, I found some of my later stuff, but most of the early stuff seems gone. Guess I'll be tearing my old room apart for that 1999-era Toshiba laptop next time I visit my parents.