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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Yep, another one came out today.
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 at 12:54:39 pm EDT (Viewed 627 times)
Reply Subj: Yep, another one came out today.
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 at 02:03:54 am EDT (Viewed 1 times)

    Well, there was Mumphrey, but he was re-adapted for the Parodyverse from earlier writing, and from role-playing before that. There are refurbished versions of characters I introduced or substantially developed like 3/4 o of the EEE team as the Transdimensional Transport Co. There's Vinnie and a fair bit of his supporting cast (the ones I created). There's a cowled crime czar who wasn't supposed to be in there but is anyway. There are a couple of other characters I was "bequeathed" who might get a spin sometime too; I'm still not sure whether to include the waitress.

I'm currently re-writing both World Class and the temporarily untitled story of Lara Night (but not *just* her, it's an entire slowly-build cast) in a kind of novel-like format. World Class, too, has quite a few changes in cast. I also changed Keiko herself a bit so she's just as smart and sneaky but you're left unsure if her violent reputation is just reputation until one pivotal point in the story.

Speaking of recycled characters, I also have a totally new story I haven't started writing yet, but it's sketched out. It starts out with a man who's retired, and spends his entire life savings on a salvaged trading spaceship that's not in the best condition (his wife is NOT happy, but secretly relishes the idea of traveling). After buying it, he finds a loyal but somewhat homicidal android in stasis on board who helps them fix the ship - you might be able to guess who it is. Both the android and the ship are magnets for trouble, which begins both an adventure and a mystery to solve on what about the history of that ship makes it so troublesome.


      I'm still struggling to get 3 full-length things written between job searching and developing a 3D adventure game (which takes way more writing than you'd ever imagine it would).

    I imagine developing an adventure game takes quite a lot of writing.

Imagine that, and then triple it. There's a lot of plot forking in an adventure game, and you have to keep track of each one of the forks, or merge it back into the main plot at some point.