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Manga Shoggoth

Subj: Re: Well, a couple of those are going on the list...
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 at 02:14:39 am EDT
Reply Subj: Well, a couple of those are going on the list...
Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 at 03:17:21 pm EDT (Viewed 1 times)


    ...Specifically the Byzantium and Vinnie de Soth stories, when they come out.

The publisher of the "monthly" Byzantium series has been having some "Kindle problems". It's the downside of small publishing houses. The upside is the flexibility and enthusiasm of the people, which I do find refreshing. Byzantium has really slipped, though, and it's past its third scheduled release date now!

I have much more control over Vinnie's scheduling. That volume will be out first week of June assuming I'm still alive at that point. Then around August will be a story anthology (all by me) called "Women of Myth". Then I have to decide whether to write Mumphrey 2 or Transdimensional Transport Co. 2 next for a Hallowe'en release. The Christmas release will probably by "Labours of Hercules", which I withdrew from the publisher I originally gave it to when there were complications and I got twitchy.