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Member Since: Sun Sep 02, 2007
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Subj: Re: Caption the Pic... Green Lantern Tribute #1
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 at 04:24:19 pm EDT (Viewed 367 times)
Reply Subj: Caption the Pic... Green Lantern Tribute #1
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 at 10:34:10 am EDT (Viewed 370 times)

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Thanks again everyone for your support and great captions. Last week’s captions were from; Brainlock, Mister Jim, Manga Shoggoth, Wheelchair Rocker, Julie Lemmon, Spackling Compound, Swift, Avian and Gernot.

Here’s this week’s. I’m absolutely nuts for Green Lantern. I’m so excited about this film that it’s going to be very hard for the movie to live down my hype. At any rate, this is the 1st of three Green Lantern Tribute pics.
As always, let's keep all comments PG-13, with no cursing please.
Caption away!


Green Lantern 1: "Seriously... Your toes show through your boots?"

Ryan Reynolds: "Yeah... Cause it's like a second skin made by the ring."

Green Lantern 2: "So it's like you're wearing those socks with the individual toes on the ends?"

Ryan Reynolds: "Well, they're not rainbow colored..."

Green Lantern 1: "What about your, um... It's just, if your suit is so much like a second skin, why are you missing..."

Green Lantern 2: "Your junk, man. Where's your junk?"

Ryan Reynolds: "...."

Green Lantern 1: "To be fair, you are representing us. Look, you know how the ring will create anything you can imagine?"

Green Lantern 2: "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling."