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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Just bad enough
Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 at 07:56:54 am EDT (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: Too bad...
Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 at 09:06:08 am EDT (Viewed 813 times)

    ...Yuki wasn't there. She loves smashing the Machine Shop to bits. She'll be sad she didn't get a chance.

We've seen Yuki vs the Machine Shop before, though. It was time for something new. And as you see from part 6, Yuki's busy with trouble of her own.

    Good thing Hatty is alive, but I'm wondering just when the Word will collect the debt, claiming that without them he'd be dead. In a way I guess that means it's good Hat is branching out to the Foundation, because if that debt involves the Lair Legion, he has the capability to distance himself from it to protect it.

Well technically since Jay didn't agree any contract with the Word no debt exists. However, it's clear that Gideon Book has specific reasons for wanting Jay in the role rather than, say, the person he had Pelopia murder to retrieve the Serious Matter from. More on that later, of course.

    And Hat never said he'd return to *leading* the LL, did he?

He didn't. In fact he's going to be the Training Officer for the team newbies, the role that Yuki occupied before she was bumped to deputy.

    I wonder if anyone heard that comment about Klein. All it takes is one screw-up like that from the bad guys, and the Feds would be raiding the GMY mayor's offices. That could hurt her re-election chances.

Klein's going to be unhappy enough about recent events in GMY. But now he sponsor's back things are starting to snowball. And there's a Mayoral election due before too long as well.