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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
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In Reply To
Al B. Harper

Subj: I'm almost positive it was...
Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 at 08:55:38 am EDT (Viewed 839 times)
Reply Subj: Yes. But "Sigmund the Superlative Simulacrum" just reeks of being a Killer Shrike character don't you think?
Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 at 05:52:34 am EDT (Viewed 4 times)

...just as Brap was one of my characters, and I think the Content Filler and LOL Internet came from CSFB!, so I think much of the list was just making note of new characters for that story in order to keep them straight. I don't recall the New Zealand team off the top of my head, however it was quite the sprawling story.


    >"Zebulon-- "That's why I never trusted ducks!" That kind of thing.

    > Sometimes I worry myself.

    That is kina worrying, yet at the same time it must now appear in a story! It just must!

What's sad is that, at the time, I must have thought I had a set-up for that kind of punch line that would make it truly hilarious if I felt the need to jot it down. My mind often runs much further ahead in the story than I can type, and occasionally I'll break from where I'm at it jot down a line or two of dialog that I want to insert later. A lot of my stories have these extra lines below the part that got posted where I never got around to inserting the setups for them.


    And I would like to see more of Zebulon as the Farie Queen's agent too.

    Get to it!

While not all of the notes made sense, I did refrain from posting them here because I really do like the ideas in them. The file name for the notes was "Gertrude's Folly", so maybe that story will still show up some day.

Al B.