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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
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Subj: Re: Hey, look... a surveyish/quizish post!!!
Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 at 05:08:37 pm EDT (Viewed 376 times)
Reply Subj: Hey, look... a surveyish/quizish post!!!
Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 at 03:57:11 pm EDT (Viewed 428 times)

    So now, let's hear your predictions for the following categories...


    Absolute Locks: (You can't imagine that these characters will not be on the next team.)

CrazySugarFreakBoy!, Citizen Z, Ham-Boy, Yuki (looking at the teaser images in UT #337), Visionary (from latest chapter), Al B. Harper

    Likely picks: (Not quite as sure about these, but you'd still be surprised if they weren't)

Alcheman, Goldeneyed, Donar (based on comments that this will be one of the most powerful line-ups we've seen), Silicone Sally, Randy Clement,

    Likely Leaving/not joining: (Current or recent characters from Untold Tales that you have a strong suspicion aren't going to join up with the next LL.)

Icy, Dancer, Nats, Kerry Shepherdon, Fashion Accessory, Harlagaz, Vespiir, Anna, Manga Shoggoth, Librarian

    Surprising Picks: (These choices may be out of left-field, forced on the team by the government or just HH having a laugh. You're not sure at all about these, but call it a hunch or just a fun idea.)

David Bookman, Anvil Man, Aryan Ideal,

    Support Staff: (Which supporting characters will be around, and in what roles?)

Sergeant MacHarridan - Security
Joan Henry - Bodyguard of Magweed and Griffin
Flapjack - Major Domo
Hallie - Communications/Ops
Dancer - Press Secretary
Licensing/Business Manager - Action Figure

    Random Line-up thoughts: (The write in portion of the survey.)

I put Dancer in the Press person role because I think Action Figure follows Dreams lead a little too blindly; Amber was willing to stand up to him to say what she thought, whereas Dream's mom supports him no matter what he does, and since he is in a leadership position I don't know if that's the best professional relationship.

However, I don't think Action Figure should be bumped from the cast. Put her on the business end of things, I think there are chances for some good humour and also for the character to show she's more than just blonde hair and implants. Her background in show biz could see her with some insights into the business world.
