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Subj: Re: Fee-fi-ho-ho-fum.
Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 at 01:24:46 am EDT (Viewed 435 times)
Reply Subj: Fee-fi-ho-ho-fum.
Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 at 06:47:57 pm EDT (Viewed 6 times)


    I think Congresswoman Marshall would particularly disapprove of Tandi.

I think she would account Tandi enough credit to disapprove of her. Now, the perverts who keep Tandi...

    Poor Hallie can't really catch a break in regards to her reputation.

    Perhaps it's the cheerleader outfit?

I have way too much affection for the mental image of Hallie in the cheerleader outfit. I'm quite fond of that story for almost no other reason. Well, that and the locker-stuffing that Al endured.

    Even assuming Vizh and Hallie's relationship has gotten to that stage, there are still some significant technical hurdles to overcome in a physical relationship when one half of the relationship isn't physically there. Some of the problems have been hinted at before in other stories... It's a bit of an issue.

    Indeed. And it's not the kind of thing Vizh is likely to discuss with Al B.

Hallie's probably not too eager to either, since last time it came up between them he was "Evil Al". I believe she's eagerly searching for solutions that do not include piloting a robot body. I don't think she's a big fan of robot bodies. All of her programming is based on a completely different kind of existence, making her a square peg that doesn't fit well in a round hole.


    And given the Legion's association with Caphans, sexbots, and of course Lisa, what are people supposed to think?

I'm sure Ruby's biography and other sources didn't help... or the time Vizh was slandered during "Heart of Darkness".


    That's the last we'll be seeing of Icy until his poster returns. Icy has made his getaway.

thumpady-thump-thump, thumpady-thump-thump...


    Yes, Alcheman's made her list. Now she just needs to recruit someone to destroy G-Eyed.

    I wonder how badly Nats wants his powers back?

I think she could find somebody a little more nasty than Nats. Possibly more effective as well. As hell lords go, he was a big disappointment.


    Another exciting Hat-development next time.

Same hat time...