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Al B. Harper

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The Hooded Hood goes daily again - so keep up!

Subj: Good fleshy bits in this one
Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 at 05:44:48 am EDT (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: #343: Untold Tales of the Lair Legion Protocols: All Change - complete
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 at 12:10:39 pm EDT (Viewed 87 times)

And by that I mean good fleshing out of a few things (get your minds out of the gutter!)

In particular the Laurie situation. I hate to say it though, but Laurie is dead. This Laurie is just a ghost. A shade of the real thing. And sure she lives in a world where ghouls can become great custodians of arcane knowledge, or just drive taxis, but the Lisette we all knew and loved is gone like Byrne's Vision (not that I compare you with Byrne).

        Tandi frowned “Why not? You’d make a wonderful Legionnaire! I mean, you’re already sleeping with Visionary.”

        Ã¢â‚¬Å“But you could if you dated him more often,” suggested Tandi. Tandi had a special and specialised worldview.

You've gotta love Tandi. (I mean, she's made so you do, but aside from that). And this little scene also did a good job of capturing perfectly how she's not just another 'robot' like Anna - but has her own particular personality and is therefore individual. Like all robots.

Robosapien Rights Now!

        Ã¢â‚¬Å“So you made a bargain with the Hooded Hood too!” realised Icy.

Poor deal Laurie. And poor Beth. Nice outline of how Laurie and Beth are now kind of connected too. Sad though that even in death and accident-induced-coma both women are still tools.

Laurie must have done some really bad shit in a previous life for this karma to fall on her in this one (even in its death she can't escape)!

And I'm not sure who got off here - Icy or the Hood. Let's face it, Christmas magics has gotta be some deep and dirty stuff. Even more powerful than Herringcap. Even more powerful than the Hood. If you asked who would win between the Hood and Santa my money would always be on Santa. So Hoody is one lucky bugger really.

        Ã¢â‚¬Å“Camellia of the Fey,” supplied the gothic writer. “That’s what you call yourself, anyway. Your real name is hidden. Hidden and… burned?”

She is the Queen of Air and Darkness.

        Ã¢â‚¬Å“I had an accident,” hissed the belle dame sans merci. As she limped from the shadows the scars on her left arm and face were more visible. Her half-mask gleamed bone white in the candlelight. “Those who caused it will spend eternity screaming their apologies. Soon.”

Pfft. They need to fully strip her of her mortal raiment yet. Then she can lay the smack down.

        Ã¢â‚¬Å“I suppose we can,” agreed the writer in black.

I quite like how this scene was set up. Very nicely written, which is kind of appropriate really.

        Ã¢â‚¬Å“Then what shall I call you?”

        Ã¢â‚¬Å“Call me Penny Blood.”

Oooo, interesting.

I wonder if she's connected to the Fates of old? Or perhaps a Muse?

More please.