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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618
Subj: We established this method a long time ago.
Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 at 04:46:18 pm EDT (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: Eww, gross
Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 at 12:45:46 pm EDT (Viewed 748 times)

    I'm glad I "perverted the gift"; I'm not sure what the calorie count is on brains, but either way I'll gladly pass on finding out.

Not only has Hatty's method been different from most Serious Matter wielders but his power-set is different too.

    CSFB! really is digging himself into a hole with his actions and reactions. Really he's learning that being in the big chair means adjusting your behavior, as Hawkeye learned when he became a team leader with the Avengers.

It's not entirely Dream's fault. He pushed, the adversaries pushed back harder.

    I'm curious to see if we get Amber back after all of this or if we end up with a new LL liaison.

Who would you suggest for the job?

    Nice to see Hatman using his connections to get the Foundation up and running. I'm looking forward to seeing how he handles the League of Losers without his powers, or if he even can.

I spent a long drive yesterday trying to plot that one. We'll see how good it turns out when I get to write it.

    Poor Icy. Things will not end well for him I'm sure.

He does seem to be garnering a good deal of sympathy.

    I liked how Ham-Boy easily took down the inexperienced MLA speedster. Experience goes a long way in the superpowers game, and Ham-Boy proved it.

HB is one of only two legitimate graduates so far from the Junior LL programme (Glory's the other). He's ready for bigger things.

    I keep thinking I should write a tie-in with Hatman sitting down to talk with CSFB! about what he's doing but I don't think it would work for story purposes at the moment; Hatman really does need to be absent for CSFB! to continue on the path he's set for the Legion.

Things will come to a head in the next section.