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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
Subj: It's true that that things are fragmenting a bit.
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 at 03:05:58 pm EDT (Viewed 5 times)
Reply Subj: That's quite a few pieces to pick up, and it seems more are about to break off.
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 at 09:11:51 am EDT (Viewed 523 times)

    Lots of interesting scenes this chapter! We got the return of the space faring crew (and the EEE firehouse & Helicarrier. I'm thinking Meg will want words with Drury to find out if he knew anything about what was done to her boy's team. Whatever the hell that was in the center of the universe was likely easier to face.)

I had to get Drury waaay off planet for that whole plot to work.

    So Mayor Klein has opted to go the strong arm route against Hatty, eh? She definitely needs better advisors. I'm curious as to what kind of game Boss Deadeyes is playing... He already holds the mayor in his death-grip, doesn't he? I'm nit sure who is really running the show in that office... Or even who thinks that they're running the show.

It's one thing being able to cause Klein to drop down dead, it's another to do so without provoking reprisals or losing credibility. And Klein has always been a front woman for other interests.

More on that soon.

    Nice to know that the people zapped aren't going to suffer from dry mouth, radioactive second heads, or any other side effects. Quite the pedigree the machine had there... Nice to see there is still a get out of jail free card to suer scientists if they can help with a country's science project. Good to see CSFB got his powers back again, even if through morbid Wile E. Coyote-like regeneration. I hope he kicks Hodgekiss's ass across the lawn and bridge for starters, but I doubt it'll be that easy.

Possibly not.

    Poor Icy. His home is Herringcarp? You'd think it would throw nicer Christmas parties.

No, Icy lived with his mum. He's detouring to Herringcarp Asylum to see if he can convince the Hooded Hood to do anything about that dead thug.

    Loved the scene with Donar, Garrick and Marie. The bit at the end there was one of my favorite Marie moments, brief as it was. I just like the idea of her keeping the appointment books for the Legion and trying to make sure Death never gets a meeting.

If a major death avatar visits the mansion they'd better have cleared it with the Lair Banshee first.

    And I'd be remiss if I didn't say that the MLA was an intriguing addition. A bold new player on the scene, in more ways than one. The Clements genes seem to inspire more than just a tendency towards mutate powers...

Randy was negotiated with poster-Josh in our last correspondence.

    Oh, and the Jet Starscream museum was priceless.

That came from some info from L!

    Great stuff!

Jolly good. I'll try and get the next part done early next week assuming I've hit my work deadlines and some folks have replied to this bit of story.