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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
Subj: And so a new Parodyverse character is born.
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 at 06:35:36 pm EDT (Viewed 7 times)
Reply Subj: We're still talking about when she fights, right?
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 at 11:11:06 am EDT (Viewed 459 times)

    Poster-Al looked like he was getting characer-Al and Miss F together for a while back there but then it seemed to go cold again.

    Who can fathom the mind of the super-genius? I left Al's bar-mate unknown in my first bit of the round robin in case Al wanted to specify who his character was there with... but when he skipped it entirely in his chapter, I decided to put in Muffy since that's who I wanted him to be there with.

Dramatically the problem is that once Al and Miss F get together then they're in a different dynamic and it all gets terribly domestic. If they later split then there goes the band too.

    I'm also toying with the idea of asking posters to suggest one story I can link to for each character that best illustrates what that character is like and to provide a quick writers guide for others using that character (essential info, dos and don'ts etc.). But I'll probably think better of it.

    While a great writer's tool, it's probably a nightmare to organize so I consider the current one a huge enough blessing. Anything more is well above and beyond the call of duty.

I've got a pretty fair idea of most posters' preferences by now, but I think other writers sometimes chafe and feel unhappy when they don't have access to that same long chain of correspondence and then transgress some unwritten rule.

    The "one story that best illustrates" each character idea is an intriguing one, though. I'd like to see what people come up with for those choices regardless of whether it's saved in the Who's Who for posterity or not. Maybe I should slip it in there as a question of the week sometime.

Proceed. the stories that I've archived at all at http://www.chillwater.org.uk/HH/archive/others/ or on the links page. I recently did a Far Away links page but the PVB bounced it as spam.

    Does Dark Thugos count?

    I'm certainly not going to compare him to Fleabot to his face. Although I pretty much try to avoid anything involving him or his face altogether. I still hold a grudge from him trying to conquer the planet back when I was leading the Legion. That's the kind of threat that's supposed to wait for a Mumphrey, Finny or Hatman instead.

I always enjoy having the Chair of the LL face off mano a mano with the big baddies.

    I'm hoping to someday have a character in there that we're supposed to dislike. The good guys can't lay into each other with such venom, even when it's on-the-money... they just come across as hypocrites. This has been very obvious in all of the Marvel comics I've glanced at over the last few years, especially with anything involving Iron Man.

I'm not sure an only-there-to-dislike character really works. Even Baroness Zemo had moments when we were cheering for her. Anyway, there's always Garrick - and the new liason who appears in our very next issue.

    I would think Hallie would be pretty mystifying to someone time-displaced from another century as well. So I think there's something there to explore, definitely.

There's some material there waiting to be shaped. I was merely suggesting that some kind of confidence sharing between the two might allow any neccessary previously-unrevealed information to come out naturally.

    Wait... Herringcarp Asylum counterparts?

Herringcarp gets jealous.

    Looking forward to the Hood making his move. Which is to say, I'm dreadfully fearing it.

The good news is it won't be sudden or immediate. Where's the fun in that? The Hood likes less dead bodies and more byzantine plots.

    By many Japanese legends, Masamune blades were holy (while Muramasa blades were evil and corrupted their users.) I've always enjoyed legends about weapons, especially if the weapons actually existed.

I've recently been chasing up references to St George's holy blade, Ascalon.

    As for the more powerful tool, I'm guessing Knifey.

Good guess. Wrong, but a good guess.