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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Don't feel you have to. Space is infinite.
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 at 12:54:28 am EDT (Viewed 976 times)
Reply Subj: Don't feel you have to. Space is infinite.
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 at 11:26:11 pm EDT (Viewed 3 times)

    Like all good archvillains he'll find an upside in most outcomes. The secret is to find the one where he doesn't.

I guess the upside is the very thing I mentioned above that he doesn't realize yet: That even without force or coercion, Lara might actually aid him with things that don't have to do with destroying the universe.

It's part of a belief of hers, that rather than let Dark Thugos obtain what he wants through destruction and violence, if she does it, it would be far more gentle.

    I suspect that no one individual can ever really grasp the secret (otherwise why go to the trouble of constructing a whole Parodyverse full of folks to work on it?). Arguably every individual is required to get the answer.

Oh I didn't think Lara would grasp the entire secret, but she might understand the pieces far better than Dark Thugos might because he's so single minded about its purpose.

    But Thugos is right in hoping that throwing Lara at the wall would have some interesting results. They're just not neccessarily beneficial.

The problem is, if the results are abstracts she might understand them but have trouble explaining it to someone with more linear thought processes.

    The Bitches are certainly prepared for serious trouble from the wardroid if it comes to that.

That might be where they finally learn Anna wasn't kidding about being Earth technology - she wouldn't respond to their usual kill switch commands, and will generally ignore their orders.

    I've already written the next sections with this cast in it and I've had fun working with the Apocalyspians' perceptions of their Earth companions. They certainly see Anna as a warbot, one of a respected class on Apocalyspe. They suspect Chiaki of being an assassin (like Thugos' personal assassin Kwatrain, who once took half the Legion down before being stopped). Liu Xi's a bit more difficult to peg but probably would get some respect if they found out who her grandfather was.

Anna would hate being called a warbot, she hopes she evolved beyond that. Chiaki would hate being called an assassin - she's samurai, not ninja - but she would probably ignore them calling her that. Liu Xi has been called so many thing, she barely reacts anymore.


      It sounds to me like Shee-Yar is getting some kind of Matrix-like fantasy projected there.

    It's a plain good old-fashioned haunting. The reason for the haunting will become clear as the chapter progresses.

I meant that the zombies seem to think they're still alive too.


      And EEE better not be too happy, it's just as likely Al B Harper and Drury will get them killed as save them.

    The main thing to avoid is waking up Azafroth. If he waked up then all the Fairly Great Old Ones wake up. Then it's game over.

That's going to be difficult, with all the noise they usually make.