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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: Expanded reply...
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 at 11:43:42 pm EDT (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Expanded reply...
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 at 01:49:21 am EDT (Viewed 397 times)

    Fortunately Liu Xi doesn't live at Omega House. Chiaki put her up in an just-off-campus apartment that's kind of nice. It's anybody's guess if Chiaki did that because she had a bad feeling about Omega House.

Most likely it's because Chiaki was there at least a year before the Juniors arrived.

    I think the 5 traditional Chinese elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water.

    I got the Void part by stretching the definition a little - because of the Japanese elements of Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Sky. That "Sky" part is also known as "Void", or the absence of the physical, the abstract.

Liu Xi's Chinese though, right?

The Chinese elements are:
Wood (Chinese: 木, pinyin: mù)
Fire (Chinese: 火, pinyin: huǒ)
Earth (Chinese: 土, pinyin: tǔ)
Metal (Chinese: 金, pinyin: jīn)
Water (Chinese: 水, pinyin: shuǐ)

The Japanese elements are, as you say:
風 (fū or kaze) Wind
æ°´ (sui or mizu) Water
地 ( chi or tsuchi) Earth
火 (ho, ka or hi) Fire
空 (kū) "void" or "sky"
Sometimes a sixth element is added, representing Consciousness, or è­˜ (shiki).

The Tibetan Bön tradition has the five same elements again.

The Sanskrit Tattva has earth air, fire, water, and spirit.

    After being imprisoned by her "grandfather", Liu Xi started to learn that she's going to have to temper her abilities so that enemies can't figure out how to use her for their own purposes. She's also starting to learn the potential she has for destruction, especially because half the elements she uses are nature-based, and nature tends to fight back when it's used.

When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you. Friedrich Nietzsche.


      By the way, I made a start on the Apocalyspe stuff today before work caught up with me and gave me a kicking. I hope to get back to it later on.

    I hope to see it soon.

Part One's up. Part two's 80% written but I'll wait for a few more posters to wake up.