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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Expanded reply...
Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 at 07:57:48 pm EDT (Viewed 360 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Expanded reply...
Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 at 06:15:13 pm EDT (Viewed 2 times)

    Sounds to me sufficiently close to messing with spaces to constitute a risk. But more importantly there needs to be in-story rationale to prevent easy solutions.

Liu Xi's ability to cram a bathroom between walls is based on void, not dimensions. It basically translates to the absence of dimension, size, space, etc. That means something of unlimited size can be crammed into a nonexistent space.

Folding is a good analogy for it, since the term is used with void so often. It's like taking a bathroom and folding the exterior of it several times so it fits in between the walls. Entering the bathroom still places you within the physical confines of it, so it looks normal from the inside - same as how the Earth is round, but from a person's view on the ground it looks perfectly flat. Unless Liu Xi folds the interior of the bathroom separately, which she's done to Visionary as a prank. He's probably still recovering.

The limitations are scale, and anchoring. She couldn't fold the Carnifex' tower and hurl it into the space between, because it's just too large for her to handle. Same with hiding the Lair Mansion from some antagonist. Anchoring, of course, means that if she wants to retrieve anything placed in void, or be able to access it from the physical world, she has to attach it to something so it doesn't disappear into oblivion. Liu Xi is fond of using existing doors for that because it's stylish to open a closet and see a whole other place.

While I haven't mentioned specifically, I'm pretty sure there are some failed attempts of hers floating out there in the void, irretrievably.

As for the construction of the bathroom itself: That's just arrangement of elements, which she has slowly begun to perfect.

    Or to put it another way: Cressida the Wonder Worm can transmute any object to any other object. Theoretically she could transform honey to money or hash to cash and thud would never have to work again. But since he was a down-on-his-luck sort of hero that would have destoryed his setting and changed the character entirely. Likewise ultra-rich thud could have set up Sarah in her own Broadway show, bought ManMan a mansion, and funded a hostile takeover of The Daily Trombone so it would never print another anti-sperhero story again. But none of that would have left us with a more satisfying status quo. Happy heroes aren't always interesting ones.

I would have come up with a far simpler reason: Maybe thud asked for that at some point, and he got a lecture from the worm about throwing off the balance of currency trade.




          That dean better not make Yuki have another chat with him. She already talked to him once when the university gave Liu Xi trouble with admission.


          There's a number of reasons he doesn't like superheroes and that may be one of them.


        Yuki was polite, but very determined. She also threatened to visit his office daily.

    That's what restraining orders are for.

It's a public University, partly funded by Federal monies, and look, she has an appointment scheduled in the computer every afternoon! Oh, and the golf course has all the tee-times booked every afternoon for a month, and the parking garage managed to lose his car keys.