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tries script form to fit in thematically.

Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
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Al B. Harper

Subj: Wohoo! A long form Al story! Plus a tie-in.
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 at 09:45:14 pm EST (Viewed 511 times)
Reply Subj: Al B. Harper Chapter 22: The Search (tie in to recent UT)
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 at 09:09:03 pm EST (Viewed 16 times)

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Al B. Harper Chapter 22: The Search (tie in to UT)

This snippet takes place between UT#336 and UT#337. Art by Visionary. Art by Photoshop.


There are several laboratories within the Lair Legion Mansion basements and sub-basements. One or two of the current in-use labs are the work space of Dr Al B. Harper, noted arch scientist and scientific explorer, co-partner of Extraordinary Endeavour Enterprises!, Lair Legionnaire. It is in one of these very labs where we find him today, in the midst of many curls of metal and wires, advanced computer innards, and bubbling vials of strange green liquids. The purple-haired woman with him is Yuki Shiro, cybernetic adventurer and private investigator.

Al B.: “Yuki can you please hand me the The Electro-Fluron Nanometer?”

Yuki: “Oh we’re doing script?” she sighed.

Al B.: “Yes it’s late and I’ve just got back and am tired, so tired, but I want to get this posted, I mean I want to find Cody and Kara … and Muffy and Amy,” he shook his heard to clear it of any lingering fourth-wall.

Yuki, handing over the strange apparatus: “Al, Hatman is leaving to Candia soon, to farewell Rabid Wolf.”

Al B., pausing from his work, and looking grim before stating: “We really should make her an honorary Legionnaire. I’ll bring it up at the next meeting, I’m sure everyone will agree, don’t you think?”

Yuki: “It’s a good idea. Are you going to come and say goodbye?”

Al B.: “To Rabid Wolf? No, I think she’d understand that I need to find my family before…”

Yuki, interrupting: “No, I mean to Jay, I don’t think he’ll be coming back.”

Al B. looking even more glum: “Oh.”

Yuki: “Al, if he does leave, why don’t you stand for the Lair Leader?”

Al B. shocked: “What? Me?” *pauses* “Visionary would never stand for it.”

Suddenly the communications consul lights up and the holographic image of Hallie appears.

Hallie: “Al, I just had a message from Minx Kitten, she said that Anastasia failed to show up for their morning training session with the Psychic Samurai. Chiaki didn’t show up either. The Kittens said Anastasia had headed over to the Firehouse last night to see Cody and work on their manga.”

Yuki: “Manga? So that’s what kids are calling it these days…”

Hallie: “She must have been in the Firehouse with the others.”

Al B. “Dang, thanks Hallie." *pauses* "Hmm, Hallie can you please locate Whitney for me? I want to ask her to come along with me on the search for the others.”

Hallie: “Ah, she just left with Hatman for Candia.”

Al B.: “Dang, I think I’ll still need an arcanist on this search. Who else is available?” He pulls out his bubble pipe and starts blowing bubbles.

Hallie: “Why don’t you ask Vinnie?”

Al B.: “Vincent de Soth? I suppose…though he’s a bit Xander-lite isn’t he?”

Yuki: “I think he’s cute, in a corruptible kind of way.”

Al B.: Rolls his eyes at Yuki.

Yuki: “What?”

Al B.: “He’ll have to do, ok let’s find The Shoggoth. We have a Helicarrier to requisition.”


Half a universe away in space and time a sexy woman with long tresses of 60’s-style-future-space-TV-show- blonde hair and dressed in a white body-suit with the zipper undone down to the navel turns off the advanced computer consul that had been showing the above scene and turns to face the young man standing in front of her. They are both standing in a futuristic looking lounge with much advanced technology visible.

Hot Blonde with zipper undone down to the navel (we really need a Visionary picture): “Is it clear what you must do my son?”

Angry looking fit young man who bares some resemblance to Cody and Kara Harper: “Yes mother. I will kill him for you. I will kill Al B. Harper. I will kill my father!”


Hallie, blinking into the kitchen where Visionary is putting a bag of frozen peas on the forehead lump he received from the Carnifex: "Hey Vizh, when it comes to the next L.L. leader, do you have some kind of objection to...?"

Vizh, head still in the freezer: "Anyone but me."

Hallie: "What about..."

Vizh: "Is it me?"

Hallie: "No."

Vizh: *thumbs up*

Hallie, blinking out: "You know a cold compress really only works if you use it *before* the swelling."

Vizh: "..."

*considers it*

"I'm still not coming out until the new leader is picked."