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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
Subj: Re: PV writing is hard to predict
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 at 06:54:25 am EST (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Re: PV writing is hard to predict
Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 at 11:16:19 am EST (Viewed 354 times)



      I tend to be a plotter first and a scripter second, and I like to know where my twists are going to lead if I can. But long before I regularly wrote fiction I used to run role-playing games, which are all about having a plot that adapts to other people's input; the PVB isn't really that different.

    I can see how that would be good experience to fall back on when you've got tie-ins spinning off into many directions. In hindsight, I'm just surprised that Vizh hasn't had to make more saving throws vs. poison.

I'm just saving them all up. In the meantime he can have 17 hp of damage.

    One of the pleasures of working with other writers - and particularly you and Shep - is how they bring things into the mix that I wouldn't have thought of. That makes the whole experience more dynamic and alive.

    I enjoy piggy-backing onto the larger plots, because I'm more interested in detailing the smaller picture than doing the heavy lifting on the major plot points... so it's worked out well on this end also. Most of my stories are bizarre little tangents off of things that happened in Untold Tales.

And yet they're gems, focussing on just the sort of interaction we want to experience with these characters.


      I don't think Vizh has fared too badly continuity-wise. He's has as long and varied a career as any PV character but he's managed to keep his essential Vizh-ness intact.

      I'm more or less happy with where he is, and I've enjoyed his adventures... there are just odd bits here and there that make him especially messy to sum up. Some of that convoluted history makes for good joke fodder now though, so I shouldn't really complain. (Sarah and I probably wouldn't have gone with the 16-year-old fling idea had we thought they'd later be (adoptive) brother and sister, for instance.) The kids have an even twistier origin.

    I forget how all that happened; or maybe I've just erased it from my mind. I don't think I was responsible.

      On a tangent, I notice that the Ultimate Universe didn't really stick with the idea of simplifying their character's past continuity. I could actually get behind the idea of simplifying the Vision (as Geoff Johns did in one of his miniseries, essentially dropping the detail that Vizh used to be the Human Torch when talking about Horton creating him), but when they made the Ultimate version of the Vision they somehow made him/her even more confusing than the regular continuity.

      Trying to follow the twists and turns of the Ultimate Universe in the wiki write up makes me question what the point of it all was again.

    The point was to make money.

      I actually already proceeded... I think you started this reply before my edited version of the original post was uploaded to the board. In any event, there's more in my previous response now.

    I'll try and track it down.