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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Indeed.
Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 at 07:45:09 pm EST (Viewed 301 times)
Reply Subj: Indeed.
Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 at 07:03:18 pm EST (Viewed 2 times)

    Shoggoths are risky, that's all. Chris has drawn his character inspiration from both the Lovecraft mythos and the Call of Chtulhu roleplaying game, in which even seeing an elder being can drive a human insane.

I never read that stuff, so I've been going with what I see here. A few people have encountered the Fairly Great Old Ones, and the Shoggoths are regularly interacted with. So I've been going with that the *average* person would go insane encountering one. Our heroes are generally not the average person.

Then there's the secondary theory - that certain types of people are highly analytical and logical, and others thrive on the creative and abstract. The analytical/logical types are the ones who are easily driven insane by a Shoggoth because they try to hard to resolve it in their minds.

Liu Xi is not only not the average person, but she is highly into the abstract and creative. If she wasn't, she wouldn't be able to deal with void, and probably not the elements either.

Lara is much the same, out of the same kind of necessity - a logical type wouldn't be able to handle the thought of zipping through the layers of space.

And Chiaki is a strange one, because she kind of straddles the line. She has a highly analytical mind, but her samurai discipline gives her more of a go-with-the-flow-of-things abstract look at the world.

The only one who might be in trouble is Yuki, who is very analytical, and always looks for the truth in everything.


      The good news is because she doesn't absorb any of it, she can't take it home with her and pollute her own world with it.

    It might be enough for her to think too hard about it.

That's why she doesn't.

      Most notably this might cause problems with her recognizing right and wrong, and the sanctity of life, much like the Shoggoth does. In the Shoggoth's world, all that stuff is all the same anyhow. Like a child, she might believe if she kills something, it's not really dead.

    Good point.

Remember that movie Cast Away with Tom Hanks? He spent so long on that island that he couldn't deal with civilization right away. I imagine it like that, only it takes a few minutes and not months or years.


      The good news is nature is good at fixing that to an extent. Travelling between universes uses up a huge amount of energy, which would purge most of the foreign energy quickly (but then it would be on the loose in the Parodyverse).

    This stuff is always what serves the story, of course. I mention it only because I see the elder beings as fundamentally inimical to the nature of normal universes, utterly wrong to have in a healthy reality.

It's something I came up with based on the law of conservation of energy - that the universe has all the energy it needs, etc. I extended that to believe if there are multiple universes, each one would try hard to hang on to its own energy - meaning Lara would have to leave every universe almost entirely drained. She recharges quickly, but it weakens her quite a bit to expend that much at once.


      So the biggest problem for Lara would be how to avoid absorbing enough foreign Shoggoth energy that she can single-handedly corrupt part of the Parodyverse. It's like being radioactive and figuring out how to decontaminate so you don't kill everyone around you.

    A useful analogy, but don't forget that radiation also kills the carrier.

If she couldn't purge it, it might. It's fortunate in her case that she does have the ability to purge the energy in her body.