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Anime Jason 

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Location: Seattle, Washington
Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,038
Subj: He's sure trying hard to make sure nobody knows about him but Catherine...
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 at 11:23:27 am EDT (Viewed 412 times)
Reply Subj: The conclusion of Catherine at the Lair Mansion
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 at 11:47:10 pm EDT (Viewed 463 times)

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Parody Island in Parrodopolis Sound.
The Lair Mansion's Monitor Room.

CrazySugarFreakBoy! & Flapjack are watching a live feed of the Mansion's Meeting Room. Inside said room seated across from each other are Lee Bookman, The Librarian & Catherine Gillespie, The part-time Morgue Attendant. But Lee didn't ask her to the Mansion to consult her knowledge of Morgues but to ask her about her knowledge of an acquaintance of hers': Mr. Spooky.

"This is boring." Flapjack cried as he threw a handful of popcorn at the monitors. "Where are we going to get to the good stuff?"

"Maybe this is the good stuff?" CSFB! said with a smile. "We don't know what turns Bookman on. I've asked but he's never answered."

"So, he asks a hot girl to the Mansion, a prime doing it spot, to just talk?"

"It seems that way, my hunchbacked perverted friend."

There was a sort pause. Then, Flapjack turned to the Wired Wonder & asked. "So, Do you want to see what else is on?"

Before he could answer the feed is cut & all they see is static.

"Hallie?" CSFB! said.

Just then in a flurry of green pixels the Legion's resident AI appears in the room. "Yes?"

"Me & Flapjack were.. " CSFB! pauses to think how he'd want to phrase what he wanted to say. But Flapjack didn't care.

"We were watching Bookman & his lady friend. Then the feed cut out."

"Well, maybe he knew you were watching."

"If he did, he would have cut the feed sooner." Dream interjected.

"Alright, let me check." Hallie said. A few seconds later, Hallie replied. "We should still be getting the feed of the Meeting Room since none of the other feed are down & all the equipment is working properly."

"So, someone is jamming the signal?" Flapjack asked. If that was the cased he thought that he'd liked to know this was being done.

"No. I thought of that & no one is jamming it by technical means."

"So, it's magic?" Dream asked.

"Nothing I know about."

"Could you replay the last few seconds of footage, maybe something is there?" Dream asks.


The three of the watch the replay: Lee & Catherine are talking & then static.

"Could you play it back again?" He ask again.

Hallie does so & replay the same thing: talking then static.

"Once more."

Before Hallie does so, Flapjack interrupts. "What are you looking for? It the same footage every time!"

"I think I see something lurking the shadows."

"Well, that's nothing new. There is has always been stuff lurking the shadows around here." Flapjack said offhandedly.

"True. But, Hallie: Could you play the footage with a focus on the upper right hand corner?"

"No problem."

The footage is played back & Dream says "Stop!", Hallie pauses it.

"Right there. "He says excitedly. "Can you see it?"

"See what?" Flapjack says.

"Hallie can you lighten it up a bit?"

"ok." she says & starts to lighten up the image. There is the shadows was a man. It was a tall, slender gentleman. In his right hand, he carried a grey Umbrella like it was a cane. He wore a plain looking three piece grey suit with a plain looking grey button down shirt with it was a plain looking grey tie. His shoes were pitch black & buffed to a shine. His brown hair was cut short & he was slightly balding up top. He had a neatly trimmed, well groomed Goatee. His emerald green eyes were slightly unearthly.

"Creepy." Flapjack said.

"Yeah. Do you know who that is, Hallie?" Dream asked.

"No. But I'm running his face against the Legion's files."

"I've seen that face before." Flapjack said.

"If my search is correct we've all seen him before." Hallie said.

"Who is it?" Dream asked.

"I only got back one result." Hallie said as she brought it up on the screen.

It was the file for The Hooded Hood.

"But he's dead, isn't he?"

"Last guess yes but death has never stopped him from making a post humous appearance or two."

"But something is wrong." Flapjack said.

"What?" Hallie asked.

"He's dressed wrong."

They all looked at the image of the mystery man & yes, he was.


Meanwhile in the meeting room, Catherine & Lee are still chatting.

"And that's the story of how I joined the IOL." Lee said with a half smile.

"Wow. That's kind of boring." Catherine said. She started to blush a bit & then quickly said. "But interesting."

"It's ok. I know. A lot about me is boring."

There was a moment of silence between them. Then, a third said. "Hello."

Then both turned to see where that came from & at the foot of the table was the mystery man from the shadows. His umbrella was now resting against the table.

"Spooky." Catherine said.

"Hello, Miss Gillespie." He said with a slight nod of his head.

Spooky turned his attention. "Hello, Mr. Bookman."

"Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"We've met before but you might not remember it." Spooky said with a smile.

"What brings you here?" Lee said a bit flustered.

"You know why I've come. You had called Miss Gillespie here today to discuss a topic very close to my heart." Spooky said with a slight laugh.

"Yes." Lee said. "It's just that..."

Spooky cut him off. "I know."

"He always seems to." Catherine said.

"But I can't have you two discussing me at this juncture in the game."

"Why not?"

"Do you like Games, Mr. Bookman?"

"Depends on the game." Lee said pointedly.

"True. But I know you like rules. Your whole life has been about following them, bending them & breaking them how ever you see fit to do so. But this meeting at this point in time would upset the game follow & break a few too many rules."

"So, your crying foul?" Lee said again pointedly.

"No, not exactly. It's good you to met in this fashion. It is something has been trying to happen for some time but just hadn't happened. But this conversation is scheduled for a later date & time."

"When will that be?"

"I can't tell you."

"He can't." Catherine said. "Does that a lot, too."

"Why can't you?"

"As I said it would upset the game flow."

"Screw the game flow!" Lee said getting angry.

"There is no need for an outburst like that, Mr. Bookman." Spooky said calmly. "There are certain thing that must come to past in a certain order or the entire universe will be throw off. Things that should happened won't, people will die that were fated to live & vice versa."

"And your that important that we can't talk about you?"

"We are all important in the game, Mr. Bookman." Mr. Spooky said as everything when white.


CrazySugarFreakBoy! & Flapjack are watching a live feed of the Mansion's Meeting Room. Inside said room seated across from each other are Lee Bookman, The Librarian & Catherine Gillespie, The part-time Morgue Attendant. But Lee didn't ask her to the Mansion to consult her knowledge of Morgues but to ask her about her knowledge of an acquaintance of hers': Mr. Spooky.

"This is boring." Flapjack cried as he threw a handful of popcorn at the monitors. "Where are we going to get to the good stuff?"

"Maybe this is the good stuff?" CSFB! said with a smile. "We don't know what turns Bookman on. I've asked but he's never answered."

"So, he asks a hot girl to the Mansion, a prime doing it spot, to just talk?"

"It seems that way, my hunchbacked perverted friend."

There was a sort pause. Then, Flapjack turned to the Wired Wonder & asked. "So, Do you want to see what else is on?"

"Yeah. We can DVR this in case anything happens."

"Agreed." Flapjack said as he picked up the remote & switch the feed to something else.

Meanwhile in the meeting room, Catherine & Lee are still chatting.

"And that's the story of how I joined the IOL." Lee said with a half smile.

"Wow. That's kind of boring." Catherine said. She started to blush a bit & then quickly said. "But interesting."

"It's ok. I know. A lot about me is boring." Lee said, he paused then said "Hmmm..."


"I feel like I said that before?"

"It is your origin story."

"I know. But I feel like I've told you the story before."

"No. Not that I've know."

There was a moment of silence between the two of them.

"Catherine?" Lee asked.


"Is it ok if we reschedule?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Good because I would like to talk to you about this but I think something happened which may be a more pressing matter."

"Sure. Whatever. Your the Superhero."

Lee smiled & said. "Thanks."

He stood up, put on his coat & then asked "Do you think you'll be able to see yourself out?"

"I think so."

"All right. Until next time." Lee said.

He then reached into his pocket, pulled out a device. He pressed a button & a energy doorway opened up. He then walked through. He & the doorway were gone. Catherine was left alone in the meeting room.

"Well, that was kind of bust." She thought as she stood up.

He put back on her messenger bag & left the room.

In the darkened shadows, a man smiles.




Which begs the question: Why is Catherine so special anyway?