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Subj: Re: It means the journey has definitely ended.
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 at 05:56:43 am EDT (Viewed 7 times)
Reply Subj: Re: It means the journey has definitely ended.
Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 at 10:55:24 pm EDT (Viewed 801 times)


      On the other hand Vinnie doesn't like upsetting people, especially people he likes, and very especially people he'd like to know a whole lot better, so he'd want to avoid making Liu Xi mad at him because (a) he doesn't want her to be unhappy and (b) he bought a new matress a while back.

    Liu Xi won't hurt him unless she's forced to - and he'd have to turn *really* evil for that to happen - but she'll be upset and stop talking to him if he sells out the Lair Legion. That's what I referred to, of why he's probably more afraid of her than the LL. All the LL can do is hunt him down and arrest him - Liu Xi can curse him with loneliness...and then hurt his conscience by not asking the Psychic Samurai to remove his living quarters.

Vinnie's going to want his old quarters back eventually anyhow. Firstly he promised himself he'd never be depend on anyone again, given how his family yanked his priviliges once for disobeying them. He's proving to himself that he can make it alone (and over-compensating majorly on the way). Secondly he knows there are things out there that could use a metadimensional space offensively against him, and his new job has just painted a big red target on his chest.


      The other issue is that Grace couldn't really take Vrykoulakos anyway. She got a major power boost from drinking Nosferos' blood a couple of years ago but to really access those powers she'd have to give in to her vampiric nature. It's like an alcoholic artist who can only paint masterpieces when he's drunk. Grace is having to be very careful. She could be one of the most potent undead on the planet, but she wouldn't still be Grace.

    Actually I was thinking she might be able to talk to the old vampire as a peer instead, or get his blood back for him so it's not in evil's hands.

Vrylolokos is unlikely to treat anyone as a peer who has a pulse. He was even disdainful of Grace O'Mercy as being a "barely dead". The only people he's ever really associated with by choice are Baron Otto and his ilk, and even then he's had a competetive rivalry. He no longer even tries to retain a semblance of human appearance.

Lara should take it as a compliment that he wouldn't consider her worthy of conversation.


      The Shoggoth isn't too bothered about most things but he does tend to be proactive on issues of slavery, demonic pacts, worshippers of Fairly Great Old Ones, and occult dabblers. When he's with the LL he also tries to play by their rules as he understands them.

    Except for eating the buffet table.

I'm not sure the LL handbook has anything in it about eating tables.


      Then she'd have walked into the trap by breaking the truce. She might have got away with the blood for a while but her problems would only just have started. She'd be hunted by the clans of the night until venegance was theirs, and Vrykolakus himself could track the blood and find her whenever he wanted.

    Lara can avoid the clans of the night. And she'd only have to long enough for the contest to finish.

She'd have to make sure she never shed a hair againto prevent voodoo attacks, always cloaked her mind to prevent telepathic possession, never dated to avoid incubus seduction, ate blessed food to avoid demonic poisoning etc. Anyone's life would become a nightmare.

    She would *want* to meet Vrykolakus though, either to make it clear just what everyone has been doing with his blood (in case he'd disapprove), or maybe to make a better deal with him to take it back. Either way she knows the blood is way too dangerous to be passed from hand to hand, so she'd find a way to get rid of it.

I'm not sure what kind of better deal Lara could offer that she'd actually want to offer. Since Lara's powers aren't really occult-based she's not really got much in common with an elder vampire. He's not even that interesting in drinking her blood. Now Liu Xi might get a bite... (except that Vrykoloakos is smart enough to know that would lead to unwarranted attention).


      The Shoggoth wasn't really being patient because that would indicate that he was in any way bothered. However, he did leave his wet sticky calling card to remind people of just what a bad idea it is to cross him before he left.

    Lara can be very patient when it's the object of the "game", but if people are just wasting her time she won't wait too long before losing her patience.


Now if Lara wants to do something useful she should really be looking where everyone else isn't. While there's a high-profile occult contest going on that keeps both the heroes and the acting sorcerer supreme busy what else is someone trying to pull off under the radar?