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Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,235
Subj: Trying to avoid the iceburgs of pablum.
Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 at 09:48:12 am EST (Viewed 1 times)
Reply Subj: Subplots ahoy!
Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 at 11:23:50 pm EST (Viewed 433 times)

> Nice tying together of a number of different threads, and I see you've taken your own advice, regarding Obama. \:\)

I have? You'd have to remind me.

By the way I've been asked to revise and expand the Obama/comics comment for publication in an upcoming book.

> A part of me thinks it would be very interesting to see Tom and Dream team up, since in spite of the fact that they occupy two entirely different genres, and Dream's antipathy for Tom's ancestor, they have a number of similarities, in terms of their connections to chaos and their con-man personality traits.

True. It's something to put on the list. I'd note though that Tom and Dream come at the same material from diametrically opposite directions, though, one being a cynic and user the other being an eternal optomist giver.

> I suspect they'd alternate between annoying each other and enjoying their time together, and since temptation relies at least somewhat on repression, it'd be interesting to see Regret meeting a man who represses almost nothing.

Temptation would be too easy then, though.