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Location: Seattle, Washington
Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,038
Subj: This went so different from when a girl usually gets invited up to a guy's room.
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 at 06:17:45 am EST
Reply Subj: The Bookman Visitation, Part 2
Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 at 02:17:59 am EST (Viewed 614 times)


> The Lair Mansion.
> Parody Island.
> Parrodopolis Sound.
> Lee Bookman is wondering the halls of the Mansion followed slowly behind by a young woman. Lee would peak his head into various rooms like he was looking for something. Lee opened another door, this time he had to turn on the light to check on a room. "This should be ok." He said as he walked in, followed shortly by the young woman, Catherine Gillespie. The room was a large wood paneled room with a large wooden table in the middle of it. Surrounding the table were leather chairs, Lee pulled one away from the table & motioned for Catherine to sit there.
> As she did, He said. "Sorry, we couldn't use the Living Room but during Hockey season it's almost impossible to get Hatman out of there."
> "This is ok." Catherine said as she nervously looked around the room. On the wall behind her, there were large portraits.
> "Each portrait is of a Legion founder" Lee said.
> There was on portrait near the other end of the room that was covered up with a sheet & Lee noticed that Catherine saw that.
> "The portrait behind the sheet is Lisas', it is covered for decencies' sake, it's also glued to the wall with a glue that Harper whipped up to stop Flapjack from taking it to his quarters to do what ever he does in there. I think it's best not to know." Lee said with bit of chuckle.
> Catherine gave some nervous laughter back.
> "Is there anything I can get you? The Lair Kitchen is surprising well stocked with most anything you'd want. It's also like not Earth kitchen I've ever seen but I guess with the associates the Legion keeps it pays to be well stocked." Lee said as he took of his trench coat & placed on a chair next to him. He sat down across the table from her.
> "No. I'm fine." Catherine said as took off her shoulder bag & placed it on the floor next to her chair.
> The two of them sat there for a few moments, not saying anything. This made Catherine nervous, it didn't help that Lee just sat there & looked at her. Then came a loud thumping noise like heavy footsteps & they sounded like they were coming towards her. Not more then a minute later, out of the corner of her eye through the open door she saw a larger hippo like creature pass by. It was dressed up in a militaristic uniform of some kind.
> "That's Sgt. MacHarridan, our head of security. He's a fine kind of guy if you don't get on his bad side." Lee said with a smile.
> Catherine smiled back.
> There was a few more minutes of silence which Lee broke by asking "Are you sure you don't want anything?"
> "I'm fine."
> "Ok. It's just that I don't doing meeting like this very often. Normally if I do meet up with people it's in a more official compascity, with the Legion or the IOL. There I know how to act, it's been ingrained in me for some time with the IOL & I've just pretty much gotten a handle on how to act during s Legion mission. During Legion downtime that still needs some work." Lee said said rather quickly.
> "Sorry for the rambling. I've found that I don't do well in things like this. Just talking with one person. One person of the opposite gender of myself. Not that I'm thinking of this meeting in a sexually manner but I there are probably a few people in the Mansion that are thinking that."
> "That Flapjack guy?"
> "Yes! Him & a few others. But he's the worst offender, it's almost like he was bred to to be be that way."
> "Sex is a primal urge, we all have it."
> "Yes! But some of us handle better then others." Lee said with a nervous smile. "Not that I like handling things sexually. It does have it place but not here & not now."
> "Ok." Catherine relied. Earlier she didn't want to be there & now she really didn't want to be there.
> "I am glad you decided to come. I worried about that for sometime. I was thinking that you might not, it was a bit of a weird way of contacting you. I know I could have called you.."
> "Which you've done before."
> Lee paused for a moment to think & then said. "Yes. The thing with Dancer."
> "Yeah. Did you ever find out how she knew me?"
> "No." He said paused & then continued "In fact I never asked her how she knew you. If I remember, I'll ask her & then tell you."
> "ok."
> "Yes."
> Then a few more moment of silence.
> Elsewhere in the mansion, in the Monitor Room, CrazySugarFreakBoy! was coming in for his monitoring shift, he walked in & someone was already there. They had their feet up on the control board & had set all the screens to show the Meeting Room in one large image. Dream could tell by the shoes' it was Flapjack. So Dream slowly crept up behind the him & placed a hand on Flapjack's right shoulder. "Hey!"
> This caused Flapjack to jump a bit & he tossed his bowl of popcorn spilling it everywhere.
> Flapjack then gave Dream a look of death, Dream just smiled back at him.
> "What are you watching?"
> "Bookman has a lady over." Flapjack said as he resituated himself.
> "He does. But he doesn't know anybody. "
> "Well, apparently he does since there she sits." Flapjack said as he motioned to Catherine's image on the screens.
> "So, why are you watching it from here & not live in the Meeting Room?"
> "I was else where in the mansion. Plus, I wasn't sure where they'd end up so I didn't get a chance to set up my equipment."
> "All right. You do know I'll want the tape from today."
> "Ok."
> "And all the copies."
> Flapjack frowned & then said. "Ok."
> There was a moment of silence then Dream asked. "You know what their talking about?"
> "Nothing."
> "What?"
> "They haven't really said anything interesting yet. It has been established that Lee's wanting her over isn't of a sexual nature."
> "So, why are you still watching?"
> "Hoping that was just a line."
> "Oh."
> The two continue to watch, a few minutes later Dream asks "Should we be watching something else? Like the Crisis Monitor?"
> "Probably. But if something bad happens somewhere I'm sure we'll know about it."
> "Ok."
> Over in one of the corner of the room, out from one of the power sockets in the wall, goo starts to bubble out & collect on the floor. Once a sizable amount had collected it formed in a the vaguely human shape which made it's way over to the duo.
> "Hey, MS."
> The elder being gave a slight nod of what could be consider it's head. It watched along with them for a few moments. "The Aura that being has clashes with the look I think they are attempting to pull off."
> The elder being then made it's way out of the room. Once it had had left, Flapjack asked "What was that about?"
> "I don't know. I've given up trying to figure out what Shoggoth means like I've given up trying to understand The Invisibles."
