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Andy, but you probably remember me as AJA

Subj: We are on the Parodyverse board :-)
Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 at 04:28:56 am EDT
Reply Subj: Where the hell the are we?
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 at 09:37:58 pm EDT

> "What you got?"
> "Space Court, with it's very own Judge Wapner. Sure they have some weird alien with a weird name but when you say it out loud, that's what you hear. We are before the alien court out in space trying to defend an alien, of course, against what, you may ask? He killed a mess a people & thought a flavor if ice cream out of exsistance. What did you get?"
> "Ghost Taxi."
> "What?"
> "Yeah. We're standing on the side of rainy road only god & maybe a few other people know where. You're bitching about how you could of had a future. We try to flag down an approaching Taxi but it ain't not regular one, it's a god damn Ghost Taxi!"
> "What makes it a Ghost Taxi?"
> "That's what the story called it & it past through me like it was a ghost. Also, after the spooky cab went by you threatened to kill me."
> "Why?"
> "I don't know. That's what the text says."
> "But we didn't do that, the last thing I remember to do that was being taken away by my parents to get Tacos' in southern California."
> "Yeah. And I was drunk. But not only that I was playing Checkers with Shat. Remember Shat?"
> "Our Hero Feeder Friend who spoke in a manner reminisant of that of master thespian & singer Bill Shatner?"
> "That's the one!"
> "What ever happened to Shat?"
> "He either went out for a spirit walk to find out the meaning of all things or he went out for take-out & never returned. I don't remember which, I was drunk."
> "So, how do you exactly these event that happened but we don't remember?"
> "We not only lost our souls but the last 36 hours?"
> "No, That was Nats."
> "Clones?"
> "We're not popular enough chracters to warrant clones. That goes for evil doubles from alternate timelines/dimensions. Only Hatman & Jesus get those."
> "There's an evil Jesus?"
> "Yup!"
> "Does he have a goatee?"
> "No, sadly. He has no hair what so ever or don't you remember The case of Earth Vs. Evil Jesus, 1989."
> "Wasn't that made in a TV Movie?"
> "Yes. With Eric Roberts as Evil Jesus & Lou Ferringo as the President Bush the first. The movie sucked, plus they cut out any mention of me or my part in the case."
> "Which was?"
> "I was Evil Jesus' lawyer but I turned againest him at the final moment. My part got reworked to be part of a young Angelina Jolie's character's role."
> "I don't remember her. Who was she?"
> "Snickers, Evil Jesus' half human/half cat pet thingy."
> "So, you got replaced by an animal/human hybrid?"
> "Yeah. They felt it was more believible. The film was one of Micheal Bay's first bombs."
> "I can believe that."
> "But back to the matter at hand: what to do about those people running around having people belive they are us?"
> "Nothing."
> "What do you mean nothing?"
> "Exactly. If nothing worked for the opening of the primetime Emmys', then it should work for us!"
> "But that sucked ass!"
> "Sucking Ass is what we do! Uh... that sounded better in my mind."
> "So, we just do nothing & let those storylines play out?"
> "Yeah. There is no sense stopping it."
> "Do you think those versions of us got paid for the case?"
> "The Space Court case?"
> "Yeah."
> "It doesn't say so I'd guess no."
> "Damn."
> The End?