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Al B. Harper - throws in some plot just for fun

Subj: We still need that Bonsai Kitten-focussed story.
Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 at 07:00:09 am EDT
Reply Subj: The 10 Year Anniversary Round Robin continues...
Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 at 02:58:12 pm EDT (Viewed 1 times)


> “Come on!” Magweed grabbed the hands of both her brother, and her friend - Samantha Featherstone, and started dragging them out of the room and down the long central hall of the mansion.
> “Where are you dragging us?” asked Sam, almost tripping on the tasselled end of a rather expensive carpet that ran half way down the length of the hall in front of them.
> “And why can’t we hear the rest of Dancer’s ‘talk’ to Kerry?” Griffin interjected as he looked sadly back at the room he had just been yanked from.
> “Because, there’s something strange going on,” the young girl answered, “and it will be up to us to sort it out as usual.”
> “You mean stranger than Rocket Racoon and the Wooster sisters doing that funny dance with the Mexican sombrero and the tub of mayonnaise?” Samantha asked as Magweed dashed her and Griff down a side corridor.
> “And stranger than Yuki Shiro and Daddy and the Manga Shoggoth and Danny Lyle playing twister?” asked Griffin.
> “Yes!” exclaimed Magweed, cajoling the tow of them into a small room. “And dangerous too.. probably.” she said in all seriousness.
> The room she had led them was a small computer access point in the east wing of the mansion, dimly lit in a greenish hue from the computer screen set atop a fancy mahogany desk that flickered in front of the three young adventurers.
> Magweed rushed over to it and pressed a few buttons, and with an audible crackle the air coalesced in front of them all into the holographic form of Hallie.
> “What is it sweetie?” Hallie asked. “Got tired of the party?”
> “Ahh…no…we’re just…can we access the Legion files?” Magweed stumbled out. “There are just some people here I don’t know.”
> Hallie waved a holographic hand. “They’re yours to explore sweetie,” she said. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go and have words with your father about something. Just call if you need anything.”
> Magweed bit her lower lip and nodded quickly as Hallie’s form shimmered out.
> “What’s this all about Meg?” Samantha asked as a look of concern spread over her face.
> Magweed dashed off a few more buttons and a holographic representation of the main reception hall sprang to view. She used the computer to angle the camera here and there – past ManMan in the punch bowl, past the Bonsai Kittens and CSFB!, past Hatman and Sir Mumphrey and Asil and George Gedeny before it seemed to settle in a corner of the room.
> “Can you see her?” Magweed asked her two companions – pointing to the corner on the holographic screen.
> “See who?” Griffin asked – with a tinge of annoyance in his voice.
> Samantha just shook her head in the negative.
> “There’s a girl there, in black clothes, with a sad look to her face. Like a goth or an emo. I don’t think anyone can see her. But I can.” Magweed implored to her two companions. “I see her clearly.”
> “Really?” Griffin asked staring intently at the screen. “Who is she?”
> “I don’t know.”
> “Ah!” Exclaimed Sam, “hence the request to use the Legion files!” She was now catching up to Magweed’s thoughts and pressed a few buttons. “Computer – access Legion files – cross reference powered individuals “goth” and “emo”. She looked to Magweed as the computer files searched the database.
> Magweed smiled slightly at her friend and nodded. “Exactly!”
> The computer flicked up its first match as the bio-data of Urthula Underess appeared on the screen.
> Magweed shook her head. “Nope – it’s not her.” She said looking at the still seemingly empty corner in the other holographic screen.
> “Temporary Death!” Griffin read out as the next match appeared – but Maggie shook her head again.
> “Her!” she suddenly exclaimed as the next match showed up.
> “Necromancer Jane?” queried Samantha, reading out the name.
> “Apparently she is an Australian superpowered who aided the Lair Legion during the Parody Master’s attack on her homeland.” Griffin said reading quickly.
> “With the power to raise the dead to fight as her legions. It says she raised the dead of a whole cemetery that was on the cliffs of Sydney to fight off the Avarwarriors.”
> “But what is she doing here, now?” Samantha asked.
> “And why isn’t Marie going bananas!” Griffin pondered.
> ”And why I am the only one who can see her?” Magweed queried.
> “That, sweetie, is a very good question” an icy cold female voice responded.
> The three young adventurers all jumped at the voice and turned quickly to see two figures standing in the doorway. One, a blond in a bright blue body suit was obviously the woman who spoke. And the other, with his back towards them as he shut the door looked like Hatman.
> “Hatman!” Samantha exclaimed – but the rest of the words died in her mouth as the man turned around. For while he wore the exact clothing of Hatman, once he faced them the subtle differences became apparent. For one – he had a small little black beard and moustache. Second – instead of the familiar H on his hat – there was a C.
> If there was any doubt that this fellow was not Hatman despite appearances it was soon dashed once he spoke in a thick French accent.
> “I am not zat fool Hatman! I am ze Homme de Chapeau!” The crusty fellow exclaimed with a twirl of his French moustache.
> “And that’s the last thing you shall hear before you die!” Menaced the blond woman icily.
> The Homme de Chapeau locked the door behind him and grinned wickedly at the young heroes as he and his companion approached them with evil intent.
> To be continued…maybe…
> Footnote: Ok – I haven’t written the scene where Necromancer Jane fights off the Parody Master’s goons yet – but it happened. Trust me. She was seemingly on the side of the angles then – albeit all emo about it. Just what she and blondie and Hatman’s evil French twin are doing here remains to be seen…or it could just be one of those weird What If’s if people don’t care. \:\)
