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Subj: Good call, and a clever idea. We're overdue for a party.
Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 at 01:53:08 pm EDT
Reply Subj: It's Party Time! A plotless round robin... Drop by and socialize a bit!
Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 at 02:01:45 am EDT

> "So this is the anniversary of what again?" Tandi asked curiously. The former sex-bot was attending the festivities at the invitation of the Lair's Resident A.I. Hallie, who was busy affixing holographic ribbons decoratively around the main hall of Parody Mansion.
> "The beginning of all this" the holographic woman replied, making adjustments in the lighting effects in order to provide the perfect party atmosphere. "Sort of the beginning of the Lair Legion... unofficially... and everything it has led to."
> "Isn't there a hard date for that?" Tandi asked. "One with keys to the city being presented by the Mayor, and public speeches and parades and whatnot?" The artificial redhead scrunched up her mouth in remembrance. "Wouldn't something like that be in the papers?"
> "Yes, but that's the date for the public..." Hallie explained, opting for some more mood lighting over by the jukebox. There was a stage set up as well, for some live music as the night went on. "This party is just for us, behind the scenes."
> "Oooh... like the parties that the politicians have in the lead up days of their political conventions."
> "Not exactly..."
> "You mean there won't be speeches? A lot of pressing the flesh?"
> The holographic woman shrugged. "Well, there may be some speeches if the mood hits someone... you never know when people get nostolgic and drunk just what they'll be doing. But not so much the handshaking. This is a party for Legion and invited guests... not the general public. It's not about observing a date so much as everything that has happened in the last ten years." She looked about the room wistfully. "So many people have been through here... Today is about cramming as many of them back in the mansion to bounce off each other and create some new memories."
> Tandi nodded. "Right... cramming bodies together to bounce off each other..." She gave her friend a puzzled look. "Who said anything about handshaking?"

> "So are you taking the job?" Fleabot asked, jumping up on Visionary's dresser as the Regular worked to tie his tie.
> Visionary cast the tiny robot a wary look. "I don't know what you're talking about."
> "Hey, it's me" the robot reminded him. "Just accept that I hear things and dish already."
> Visionary opened his mouth to argue, but then snapped it shut again with a grimace. "I don't know yet. Maybe."
> "It's quite an honor, you know."
> "It makes me queasy just thinking about it."
> "Good" Fleabot decided. "You're getting fat again anyway. Putting you off your crullers can only help."
> "I'll have you know these are the same pants I wore ten years ago" the Regular sniffed indignantly.
> "Yes, and kudos on playing the long gamble that any of your outfits will someday come into style. Most would have given up after the first decade, but you hold fast. That's the kind of stability that people recognize. Not admire, mind you, but still..."
> The Legionnaire gave the robotic flea a scowl. "They're perfectly good pants, clearly labeled size 32."
> "And how many times were they let out by Fashion Accessory in exchange for a higher grade?"
> "Um..." Visionary tightened his tie, which hung awkwardly with the back side longer than the front. "We better get going... the party's starting."

> "So... what?" Joan Henry, the giant, steam-driven robot asked, glaring at the security hippo that hovered nearby. "I'm to be under a secure escort through this whole shindig?"
> "Nae at all, lass. Ah'm aff duty tonecht, indulgin' in a bit ay partyin' like averywoon else here." Sgt. MacHarridan explained as he helped himself to a scotch whiskey from the bar. " Ah cannae speak fur anyain else here, but aam nae givin' ye any undo attention based oan yer legal troobles."
> "Right" the towering, paroled convict answered dubiously. "So my history as a professional fighter who went wild, resulting in public endangerment, disorderly conduct and destruction of property in a vicious cross-town, late night fight doesn't earn me a bit of scorn in these circles?"
> "Sounds like ah right regular Saturday night tae me."
> She raised a mechanical eyebrow as she considered this. "So why haven't you taken your eyes off me since I got here?" she asked.
> MacHarridan smiled as he downed his whiskey.


> To be continued whenever anyone feels like it... Pick two or more characters and write some small talk. It doesn't need to go anywhere, or be about anything. Pick any two character you like and have them at the party. Feel free to drop some foreshadowing about where your characters might be going in the future, or reflect on things in the past. It's a party, so enjoy it!