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Subj: Indeed. Time sometimes seems to race.
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 at 02:45:23 pm EDT
Reply Subj: So long ago...
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 at 01:31:32 pm EDT

> > Hello and welcome to our THEN and NOW survey, in which we reflect upon where we were when the Parodyverse was born in September 1998. We therefore require answers to the following questions:
> >
> > 1a. Where were you in September 1998? What were you doing at the time?
> >
> I was in high school, I think just starting Grade 10.
> > 1b. Where are you now and what are you doing?
> >
> Back in the same town, but I'm now the town Recreation Director.
> > 2a. What was your favourite media character, book, song, and/or comic in 1998?
> >
> If I remember correctly the Martian Manhunter series by John Ostrander was coming out at this time, which is one of my favourite solo character comic series. I believe I was also very much into the Simpsons at this time.
> > 2b. What is it now? And how do you feel about the things you liked in 1998?
> >
> Comic-wise my tastes have changed somewhat; with the exception of Thor I'm more into the street-based, low-powered characters these days, like Daredevil, Iron Fist, and Captain America. I still liked the Simpsons but hardly watch it (the wife doesn't like the show); really any television show with Gordon Ramsay is my viewing priority these days.
> As to how I feel about what I liked back then, with the exception of some of the music I used to listen to then, I don't really have any problem with my likes then.
> > 3a. If we’d have asked you in 1998 to predict what would happen to you and the world in the next ten years what would you have said?
> >
> I probably would have expected I'd be done or finishing university (I ended up going for only one year), and believe it or not I may have been able to predict I'd end up in the recreation/sports field. As to the state of the world, I don't know what I would have predicted.
> > 3b. How right would you have been?
> >
> I may have guessed broadly my work field, but that's probably it. I said in school I would like to be married when I was 25; I turn 25 in October so I pretty much got that right.
> > 4a. If you could go back to 1998 and give yourself a piece of advice what would it be?
> >
> Your parents aren't as unfair as you think they may be, and you'll thank them some day for how they raised you. See about getting some Tim Horton's stock too.
> > 4b. If future you came back from 2018 what one question would you ask him or her?
> >
> Should I get Tim Horton's stock? I would be curious about how my marriage is going and if I have kids, though as I've seen Back to the Future a few times I know I couldn't tell myself.
> > 5a. What were your Parodyverse characters doing in 1998?
> >
> Hatman was one of the young rookies in the Lair Legion at the time. I don't know if I had any other characters at this point; Coat Rack didn't really make it to the Parodyverse from the Comicscorner Fan Fic Board, where Hatman was created.
> > 5b. Where are they now, and what’s going to happen to them next?
> >
> I'm a couple months behind, I'll let you know when I catch up.
> ~Hat~