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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
Subj: Are you online jusgt now Vizh? I'd appreciate a word in the chat room.
Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 at 01:02:07 pm EDT
Reply Subj: I'm definitely getting an umbrella to carry around always. Maybe one that secretly has a sword in it.
Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 at 12:52:53 pm EDT (Viewed 419 times)

> Nice job tying in Rhiannon's tie-in... That was a very tense and scary "civilian" look at the goings on. Having the entirety of humanity replaced by monsters is scary enough, but being hunted by the entire world? That's a rough day.
> Clever of the Scholar to set up the need for a paradox if the Legion is going to rescue the inhabitants of earth. He's turning out to be quite the tricky opponent. I'm looking forward to the Lair showing their appreciation for all the trouble he's gone through.
> Shen Rae totally should have gotten the Carnifex's autograph. Do you have any idea what it must trade for back in the Alliance? Especially once word gets around about his swell humanitarian work on behalf of the Earth's population.
> So Mumph and Ioldabaoth don't want to put the plan into action? That doesn't sound like a fun plan...
> Looking forward to more!