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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: My thoughts
Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 at 07:29:26 am EDT (Viewed 358 times)
Reply Subj: Re: My thoughts
Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 at 12:33:39 am EDT (Viewed 313 times)

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I don't think it's stupid, just that I don't really buy into the whole thing where people believe that to be taken seriously as a professional writer (or artist), that means they have to restrict their creativity to paying sources only.

It's not just you who says that, however. Seasoned professional comic writers/artists or novel writers say the same thing, but I believe that's more a case of they believe if they post anything for free anyplace, people will ask them to do things for free that infringe on their time. That's fair, I guess.

The point is, I don't believe it's a case of post stuff on a message board and your career is over before it starts, no matter how many times it's repeated in the industry. You just have to draw a clear line between what's free and what isn't. If someone wants to see you post Annabelle and Roland stuff, that can't happen. But characters you can't use in paying work like other people's characters, Trickshot, Desert Rose (you'd have to change the name of that one to use it, since it's the name of a Sting song), why not? Unless you just don't have time or inspiration.

Seriously though, I'd really like to know who tells up-and-coming pros that they have to erase themselves from the internet and lock themselves in a box where (potential) money comes in and work comes out, because it always made very little sense to me. I'm not shooting you down, Scott, I really would like to know.

A fair question. Honestly, I haven’t read anywhere where I cant write free stuff. As far as I know I could. I could write PV stories involving characters I don’t plan on using, like AG, Tricky and the JBH.

The reason I don’t is because of serious time limitations. I’m not very good at balancing my time, but I should spend what limited free time I have on trying to get this monster fixed. Doesn’t always work that way, sadly.

I my opinion, the PV takes a lot of time. I could do it. I could write maybe one story a week. But to be fair, I should also read and respond. Sometimes that’s not much but some weeks (and it’s a good thing for the PV, don’t get me wrong) that could be a lot. Before I know it all my free time would be spent here instead of getting either the novel edited or a short story finished. Ultimately I would like to be a professional writer for a living, but the only way I can make that happen is to sacrifice my free time on the writing work.

As for a hard and fast rule of “no free net stuff”, I’m not sure that’s the case. Someone might know more though.