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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618
Subj: Even when Jonah was at his worst ...
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 at 02:42:54 pm EDT (Viewed 367 times)
Reply Subj: Re: If I thought that anyone was being written in character ...
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 at 02:09:56 pm EDT (Viewed 380 times)

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> ... I'd agree with you, but as it stands, Bennet has already treated Robbie worse than Jonah did (and you're right, Robbie has walked out on Jonah for far less). I mean, for fuck's sake, Bennet asked Robbie to fetch him his fucking coffee when he first arrived at the Daily Bugle, and I'm sorry, but regardless of the circumstances, if you say bullshit like that to any middle-aged black man, much less one who's worked his way up the ranks of his profession to become as well-regarded as Robbie has, then you should expect (and receive) an unimaginably violent beating, for being a blatantly racist fuckstain.

I'm guessing the "Jonah can't be racist, he treats everyone like garbage" defense doesn't work for Bennet? I'm not reading ASM so I have no idea.


... Of treating everyone around him horribly, there were certain lines he knew better than to cross.

Granted, Bennet is supposed to be so much worse in that regard that he actually makes Jonah look good by comparison, but I'm socially inept as hell, and even I know that certain words, phrases and behaviors which are (perhaps only marginally) acceptable around white people are WAY unacceptable around black people.

For example, if you call a young white man "boy," he might think you're a condescending prick, but that's likely as far as it'll go, but if you apply the term "boy" to a young black man of the same age, you're basically inviting him to tell everyone he knows that you're an evil fucking racist, because of the extremely societally charged history of that term, as it's been applied to black men in the past.

Now, so far, Bennet has been an asshole who's treated everyone around him like dogshit, I'll agree, but the thing about guys like that (having spent way too much time working for and with them) is that they don't last very long, unless they're smart enough to know how much of that bullshit they can get away with.

After all, there are plenty of ways you can maintain the glass ceiling over your female employees' heads, to the point that they know full well how sexist you are, without giving them something tangible that they can use against you, to substantiate their accusations of your sexism, but if you start telling them that they should wear shorter skirts to show off their legs more, you're going to wind up with your dumb ass in court.

Now, Bennet's comments to Robbie were not quite on that scale, but even as a white guy who was reading this (online), knowing ahead of time that this character only exists to be a dick, that scene made my jaw drop, and made me say to myself, "Holy SHIT, that's racist."

And if I'm noticing that, as a WHITE guy ...