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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618
In Reply To
killer shrike

Subj: Re: I found I didn't mind the Evolution style. If it ain't broke, don't fix it (and a question for Jason)
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 at 02:29:02 pm EST (Viewed 389 times)
Reply Subj: Re: I found I didn't mind the Evolution style. If it ain't broke, don't fix it
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 at 01:41:36 pm EST

> > Mind you, I still think the 90's X-Men series has the greatest art style of any superhero cartoon.
> The 90s style was more in line with what we saw in the comics than Evolution, but I liked the latter better. And as for styles, the Timmverse I think is the best. I'd love to see them on some Marvel projects: FF or Avengers.

Jason, I saved a draft of my original reply, but couldn't figure out how to pull that draft back up. Little help?

I liked how the 90's X-Men cartoon looked like it came straight from a comic. That being said, I did enjoy Evolution as well. The key is the animation fitting the tone of the show.

I also love the Timm style on DC cartoons and I'm sad to see they're starting to move away from that style. I do have to give an honourable mention to Teen Titans though; the "Murikanime" style works amazingly well for the show, transitioning from cartoony comedy to amazing action at the drop of a hat. It wouldn't work on Justice League or X-Men, but for the Titans it's great. If Marvel were to try it I'd think it could work for a New Warriors cartoon (not that we'll ever see one).

I remember when the Avengers cartoon came out (I actually didn't have a problem with the line-up but the redesigns were atrocious) I read an interview regarding why they chose the characters they did. They chose not to include Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man on the roster because they didn't want it to become the Cap, Thor, and IM show. My thought was, why in the world not? They wouldn't do the X-Men without Wolverine, they don't do Justice League with Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, why not put the Big 3 into the cartoon? Sometimes I just have to shake my head.
