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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Like it hasn't happened before (extra info within).
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 at 01:15:25 am EST (Viewed 441 times)
Reply Subj: We should probably thank her for doing that to the stunnulators anyway.
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 at 12:32:19 am EST

> I'm somewhat surprised to be in the role of the hold-out, but then I suppose Vizh wasn't around to meet her at the SPUD base in the first place.  Speaking of which, I think Hatty will need to be asking Drury why there was a plan in place to take us all down... that's a fair bit different from needing another line of defense, which was what they claimed Anna was made for last chapter.

Pretty much everyone has a contingency plan against the Lair Legion, it's nothing new.  It was probably added into Anna's budget so the Pentagon thought it was getting its money's worth.

> As for Anna's thought processes, I'm not sure I'm on board.  So far, you seem to be differentiating her by putting a limit on all other artificial life in the Parodyverse, and that's a limit that I haven't observed myself.  Hallie, Fleabot and others have always been portrayed as thinking much like a human, and learning through observation.  They've been no more subject to behavioral rewrites than humans have been (obedience brands and all), and have rejected programming they don't agree with on numerous occasions as well.

You're being misled by Al B Harper's tech talk.  Other robots and androids (and Hallie) could be functionally similar to Anna.  The difference is that Anna takes a lot less computing power, memory, etc to do the same thing.  It's like the next generation computing platform.  Or the way Al B Harper says "No dictionary, no code, no heirarchy of rules..." etc.  And that's true.  Most artificial intelligence systems build a dictionary as they learn.  It takes up an inordinate amount of power and space.  

Take a a room full of items as an example.  A standard computer would map the room into a 3D grid and know exactly where each item is to the centimeter.  It's highly precise, but takes a lot of rules, processing power, and a system of coordinates.

Anna's brain looks at the room and knows approximately where everything is in the room.  She stores a picture of the room in her brain and can identify everything and approximately where it's located.

Both are functionally almost the same, save for Anna's type of brain being less accurate (if an item in the room is a few centimeters off she won't even notice).   The difference is that Anna does the same task with higher efficiency.

As a battle android that can be incredibly useful, because she can process an environment very quickly and respond, and can act without orders by interpreting vague directives.

> Still, I'm looking forward to seeing where you're going with this, and what Anna's going to be up to next.

There's plenty more Anna and plenty more Visionary.